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  1. When u say use SF on cd….does that mean in vf or outside of vf? I remember a lil while ago it was used in vf for 15-20 without hero and 25 with hero.

  2. Im pretty new in WoW and i still can't decide for a class and i find the class fantasy about shadow priest pretty cool. And my question is, is it fun? Because it's not the best spec i at least want to play something that's fun. And btw, awesome video! Great quality!

  3. there's my like 🙂 . I only play shadow for daily life, but I find it usefull using the essence that stacks twice and sends an azerite ball to damage or heal, my game is not in english hehe. with that, you gain some dps while moving, a not really neccesary extra heal, and another spell, which i consider shadow is lacking of. numbers may not say so, but since im not a pro at all (we just did first 5 bosses on hc so far), I find it more confortable with that essence

    excuse my english

  4. Already re-rolled. We're essentially a turret spec. As mentioned by others here, the ramp-up "rot" spec works well in raiding and M+. However, the things we do in order to progress our cloaks and items is largely single player mode and requires a huge amount of mobility whilst still doing damage sufficient to get through the vision without dying to a whole host of mechanics hitting you all at once and watching your insanity bar fall off like an ice cream stick on a hot day.

    In the visions and with insanity mechanics in general where the primary goal is to avoid them at all costs, how many actual insta-cast spells do we have? Shield ourselves for a speed boost and not for damage mitigation (as it's supposed to be), SW:P and our "oh shit" buttons. Casting all of your cooldowns on first availability is a non-starter in the visions. You need them just to survive. I had hoped that disc would have at least given us an option for more single target damage for this game mode, but it's even worse.

    And in before "git gud". I'm hardly the best player in the world by a long shot, but these nerfs really cut us hard IMO. As far as I'm concerned, right now I'm hoping for +Leech gear. Too bad you can't farm for it.

  5. I do hope they will get rid of ramp mechanic in SL. It's just so annoying to play with outside of raids, and it puts us in to this shitty position where top geared priests are doing crazy dps, but everyone else just gets nerfs that are not justified if you're not raiding mythic.

  6. I knew it was going to happen, but man it』s severe, my sim DPS is down like 6k for single target and it』s about the same in play…. that』s significant. That is not 「balance」 especially considering other classes received buffs. I have guild mates simming for 60k…. I』m here at 42k…keep in mind I』m iLevel 448 almost 30% crit and haste, rank 6 cloak, 75 neck… this is kind is ridiculous coming into heroic next week. We』ll be fine later on, but man progression through our first heroic and mythic will be rough.

  7. I think they messed up with the so called 'bugfix' and over-nerfed our ST unintentionally to this degree. I'm personally GLAD they removed the modifier which un-naturally propped up shadow crash to be our best ST talent. HOWEVER, I feel devs missed the fact we lack a good ST build…this should be what role shadow word death achieves in that talent row; but they forgot to tune it in parallel to the modifier roll back. The multi-dot potential of the spec I believe will pan out just fine; you can see evidence of this in the current 8.3 mythic queen's court statistics. I also got this impression on the PTR. If they plan to have our ST tuned to be dead last in the raid; then we should be farther ahead of others in spread cleave- but; what's actually wrong in that equation is our ST should not be so low that we pay ten times the penalty that we should be; to just be tied up with warlocks in our ideal fight conditions. Will we out-scale this oversight? No; the ST needs a buff period. That's not where you would see the 'scaling help' much.

  8. Just to keep something in the internet: The "bugfix" was not a bugfix, but rather the removal of a hidden modifier introduced with "Azerite Trait Tuning – September 26". I hope that this just resulted due to internal miscommunication and not malintent. Also it was bugged and actually just gave a 65% bonus instead of 75%.

    Regarding the scaling: I and many other who are way deeper than me into Shadows numbers, doubt we will catch up to our competitors. Patchnotes were published a few months ago, numbers were run and rerolls happened in the Shadow Team. While we still scale slightly better than Fire and Warlock, some corruptions are way stronger for them and they have are 10k ahead of us. Our scaling was hit hard due to the spirits bonus esentially being nerfed from 65% to 25%, we also will not have higher CoI Crit until we get the last two bosses on mythic and Haste looses worth due to Voidform reaching it's limit.
    Getting certain corruptions will be a non-issue as soon as heroic week hits, because it is so much more worth than any stats, that those mostly don't matter. To catch up to a fire mage we would need at least ilvl 500. Also, there is no QC or Zaqul (disregarding fire and melees bursting away stacked cleave), which heavily boosted shadows performance. If there is spread cleave it is either an Add, that has low priority or stacked cleave, or heals itself up. Padding will probably screw numbers over time, but if you need any prio damage, Shadow is out of the window in it's current state.

    We absolutely needed a nerf, but imagine nerfing dots (which are up to 40% st) enough to cause a 12.5% st loss on mythic geared chars.
    No TH or SD in raid btw. similar to Assa Rogue, if we need it in m+

  9. I think we all have a bias towards shadow and probably think that they hit us with the nerf hammer a bit too hard. But I agree, I think we will struggle in the beginning, yet with gear outscale many other classes, especially on the later bosses.
    Depending on how the corrupted effects develop, and wether they nerf the trinket out scaling will change a bit, but I do see shadow domination on the horizon for us once again.

    Personally I cant wait to get a corrupted effect that fits thematically to shadow, like echoing void, or tentacle slap. When it comes to class fantasy this is our patch for sure.

    All hail out tentacly overlords! 😀

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