汲取靈魂的力量-痛苦術士PvP-魔獸世界BFA 8.3


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#WoW #BFA#8.3。

  1. Quick tip since blizzard absolutely despises clarity on how abilities work: Nightfalls proc rate does not go up if you multidot. It procs the same amount if you have corruption on 1 target and corrupt on 10. FeelsBadMan

  2. Dev: Sir, melee are outperforming almost all ranged classes in every aspect.
    Ion: Nerf warlocks again.
    Dev: But sire, the casters…
    Ion: And buff echoing void some more. He said, as he twirled his moustache with a grin on his face.

  3. I think the only reason I'm still using Drain Soul sometimes is for the soul shards, actually. So the nerf was kinda just gravy

  4. spent the night testing aff in 2s/3s. didnt go well. dots tick for 4-6k. mean while 16k trash spam from bears. aff still not viable since late 2017.

  5. SP: dispels 4 UAs
    SP』s HP: drops by 10%

    Damn, what have they done to affliction and their dots? I remember people buying a one-way ticket to cemetery if they dispel more than 2 UA…

  6. bfa is so garbage, worst pvp ive ever seen, everyone too tanky, 0 damage, what a satisfying feeling, using everything and doing no damage, you see 5 people on one guy and it still takes time to kill him, sad, thats why i play classic, dont know why people still play that garbage of a expantion

  7. full dots and 0 dmg… bfa still about burst dmg and melee… gonna keep playin classic till shadowlands I think

  8. I try to make use of drain soul on nearby targets about to die for guaranteed soul shards. Let's me sustain damage for longer!

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