
賴利·周(Riley Chow)接待了其他貢獻者Charlie Bright,Luca Giliberti,Rob Licuria和Matt Noble,他們討論了對第92屆奧斯卡金像獎的最終提名預測。



Gold Derby提供名人視頻以及專家預測,跟蹤誰將贏得奧斯卡,艾美獎,格萊美獎,托尼獎,金球獎獎以及頂級真人秀電視節目「驚人的種族」,「美國偶像」,「與星共舞」,「倖存者」 「聲音」等。 。

  1. I hate the argument that the Golden Globes doesn』t matter because there is no overlap of voters with the Academy. That』s not the point — it』s about the publicity of fhe event.

    Like, do you really think Glenn Close would have won the SAG award for The Wife if she lost the Golden Globe?

  2. It really does look like Netflix is going to be punished at these awards and probably just Laura Dern will walk away with anything at all.
    This is a shame because I think The Irishman and Marriage Story are two of the best movies in recent years.
    But it's pretty clear that the Academy is still not quite ready to reward their top prize to a Netflix film.
    I think Once Upon a time in Hollywood is going to be a surprise and may even finally win Tarantino his Best picture Oscar.

  3. I feel Scarlett Johansson will be snubbed in both categories. The AMPAS have never liked her. I think Renee, Charlize, Awkwafina, Lupita and Cynthia will get nominated for best actress. And the supporting actress nominees will be Laura Dern, Zhao Shuzhen, Jennifer Lopez, Margot Robbie and Nicole Kidman.

  4. Oscars always play 「make up.」 Cabaret won Director but lost picture- so when Chicago came along in its same spirit, they gave it best picture. Roma lost best picture, but now that a bigger foreign film came along, parasite will win.

  5. Phoenix should win but I'd love to see Adam Sandler and Antonio Banderas in the "Best Actor" category. Scarlett Johansson never impressed me as an actress. I hope Renee Zellweger or Saoirse Ronan will win. And finally, I adore Laura Dern but Jennifer Lopez impressed me the most in the "Supporting Actress" category. She must be nominated

  6. Cinematography is the category this year that the Oscars will get very very wrong. The films nominated will not have the best cinematography of the year.

    Here's what the Top 5 should be, but never will:
    – Ad Astra
    – Monos
    – Shadow
    – The Lighthouse

    With Runner-Ups being: Apollo 11, Honeyland, and Portrait of a Lady on Fire

  7. If there is going to be a completely out of left field director nomination like how Cold War got it last year, it would be Celinne Sciamma (Portrait of a Lady on Fire). Who wasn't even mentioned on Gold Derby.

  8. I like Rob's picks for Lupita (best performance of 2019!) and Awkwafina in the Best Actress category. But, did he say Renee would not make it in? The sound was weird and trippy when he was talking about her. If so, wow! Renee is such a lock for me.

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