最佳圖片獎-排名(2010' S)



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#Oscars #BestPicture #BestPictureWinnersRanked #AcademyAwards。

  1. Ah, yes . . . Moonlight. The movie with a drug dealer who has a heart of gold. They are such warm, loving, and kind people–similar to fraulein Maria. (Sarcasm intended)

  2. My list:
    1. Parasite
    2. Birdman
    3. Moonlight
    4. Spotlight
    5. Argo
    6. Green Book
    7. The King's Speech
    8. The Shape of Water (I was very unimpressed, but I also watched it on an airplane. Maybe if I watch it again I'll appreciate it.)

    Haven't seen:
    The Artist (I have no desire to see it honestly. I'm sure it's fine though.)
    12 Years A Slave (I've wanted to see this since it came out but I've never been in the right mood or mindset for some reason. I have a feeling that it will end up being 3 or 4 when I get around to watching it.)

  3. Random question. Don』t you think it is weird that people say crash is the worst movie to win best picture. I just saw it and loved it. It』s a fantastic film

  4. 10. Moonlight (i respect your opinion but for me was a terrible option that year)
    9. The artist
    8. Green Book
    7. Spotlight
    6. King's speech
    5. Birdman
    4. Argo
    3. 12 years a slave
    2. Shape of water
    1. Parasite (such a Masterpiece)

  5. 2019 imo was one of the best years in Film. Parasite was my number 5 and all 5 I would be happy with as best picture winners. 1 Portrait of a Lady on Fire 2 Marriage Story 3 The Lighthouse 4 JoJo Rabbit.. I see how Parasite has more universal appeal than those and they just happened to resonate more with me. I don』t think Portrait being pushed by France would have changed the outcome but it would have been interesting to see how different the conversation would have been.

  6. I watched birdman and whiplash for the first time back to back and it is crazy that they both came out the same year given they are similar in quality and subject matter and intensity and drums lol. By subject matter I mean they are both tackling the artist and their desire to be recognized as great in their craft, one as a newcomer and the other as a mainstream veteran turning to something more artistic. The ending of Birdman is great but Whiplash has one of the best endings of all time to the point I wish there wasn』t music in the credits because it kind of pulls you out of the feeling the ending left you with too soon. I prefer Whiplash but they were both great and both deserving best picture.

  7. Not sure if any one has said this but BJH only one 3 oscars- international film goes to the country- no single person- good video tho

  8. My list
    1. Parasite
    2. Spotlight
    3. The Shape of Water
    4. 12 Years A Slave
    5. Moonlight
    6. Birdman
    7. Argo
    8. The King's Speech
    9. The Artist
    10. Green Book

  9. 10. Green Book
    9. Argo
    8. The King』s Speech
    7. The Artist
    6. 12 Years a Slave
    5. The Shape of Water
    4. Spotlight
    3. Moonlight
    2. Birdman
    1. Parasite

    Ever since I saw it in theaters, I haven』t been able to stop thinking about Parasite. I went to see it with my dad and we both walked out agreeing that it was one of the best movies we』ve ever seen. It had everything. Perfect in every aspect. It was funny, suspenseful, tragic, thought-provoking… a hell of a movie. I hold it up in my top tier of movies amongst Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, Fargo, There Will be Blood, Spirited Away, No Country for Old Men, Trainspotting, Dr Strangelove, etc. and it may actually be my favorite movie of all time.

  10. 10 The Artist

    09 The Shape of Water

    08 The King's Speech

    07 Green Book

    06 Spotlight

    05 Argo

    04 Parasite

    03 12 Years a Slave

    02 Moonlight

    01 Birdman

  11. Finally, somebody actually acknowledges Green Book as a great film. I also loved it, and thought that, purely on its own merits, the film was Best Picture-worthy.

  12. My ranking:

    10. The King』s Speech
    9. Green Book
    8. Argo
    7. The Artist
    6. Moonlight
    5. 12 Years A Slave
    4. Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
    3. Spotlight
    2. Parasite
    1. The Shape of Water

  13. Here's mine (Best to Worst)

    1. Parasite
    2. Birdman
    3. Moonlight
    4. 12 Years A Slave
    5. Shape of Water
    6. The Artist
    7. Green Book
    8. Spotlight
    9. King's Speech
    10. Argo

  14. Parasite is the only BP winner this decade that I would say is truly excellent. Moonlight, I think, is a great 3rd of a film but the first two acts aren't nearly as good as the final one.

    bye @ the others

  15. 10. Spotlight
    9. The King』s Speech
    8. The Shape Of Water
    7. Argo
    6. Green Book
    5. The Artist
    4. 12 Years A Slave
    3. BirdMan
    2. Parasite
    1. Moonlight

  16. 10. Green Book (The Favourite should've won)
    9. The King's Speech (The Social Network)
    8. Argo (The Master wasn't even nominated but should've won)
    7. The Artist (The Tree of Life)
    6. The Shape of Water (Phantom Thread or Get Out)
    5. Spotlight (Mad Max)
    4. Birdman (Boyhood, GB Hotel & Whiplash and Selma were good too)
    3. 12 Years a Slave (WWS, Gravity & Her were great too)
    2. Moonlight (Lalaland was great too)
    1. Parasite (Irishman was great too)

  17. Half of this year's BP nominees could have won any other year this decade while The King's Speech and Spotlight probably wouldn't have even been nominated this year

  18. Technically, the Foreign Language Oscar belongs to the country it's from. The director is its spokesperson on stage when the film wins that category. So technically, Bong won three, not four, Oscars that night?

  19. Here goes mine

    10: Moonlight
    9. The Shape of Water
    8: Birdman
    7. Argo
    6. Spotlight
    5. The Kings Speech
    4. The Artist
    3. 12 Years a Slave
    2. Green Book
    1. Parasite

  20. 1. Spotlight
    2. The Artist
    3. Moonlight
    4. Parasite

    5. Birdman
    6. Argo

    7. The Kings speech
    8. 12 Years a Slave

    9. Green Book
    10. The Shape of Water

    Honestly spotlight is one of the best modern films i have seen in a long time

  21. My Best Picture 2010's Ranking :-

    1] Parasite
    2] Moonlight
    3] The King's Speech
    4] 12 Years A Slave
    5] Spotlight
    6] The Artist
    7] Green Book
    8] Birdman
    9] Argo
    10] The Shape of Water

    Should have won Best Picture that year, instead of some of the movies mentioned above :-

    1] "Boyhood" instead of Birdman
    2] "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" instead of The Shape of Water
    3] "Django Unchained" instead of Argo

  22. Except on The shape of water, which is for me the bottom of those ten, I agree with the order and I also would say that Parasite is one of Best Picture's winners ever. The best? Maybe too much… The godfather I&II, American Beauty, All about Eve, Kramer vs Kramer (yes, it's upsetting for someone, definitely not for me)…

  23. 10. Green Book
    9. The Artist (my favorite movie inspired by the silent era might be Benny & Joon)
    8. The King's Speech
    7. Spotlight
    6. Argo
    5. Moonlight
    4.Birdman (without this movie idk if we would of got Michael Keaton as Vulture in spider-man)
    3. 12 Years a Slave
    2. Parasite
    1. The Shape of Water (would of loved it if Guillermo del Toro was in charge of the Universal Dark Universe)

  24. as much as i would love for bong joo-ho to be in the history books for tying walt disney with four wins, he unfortunately didn't win four in one night :(. bong joo-ho only won for direction, screenplay, and picture. he went up to accept internation film, but that award doesn't go to an individual (including the director). rather they go to the country as a whole. regardless, he still made history (as he should) because parasite is the one of the BEST films of all time!

  25. 10. Green Book
    9. The King's Speech
    8. Spotlight
    7. Argo
    6. The Shape of Water
    5. The Artist
    4. 12 Years a Slave
    3. Birdman or (The Unexpected Virture of Ignorance)
    2. Parasite
    1. Moonlight

    1 & 2 will stand the test of time.

    My personal winners of the nominees from each year:
    2010: The Social Network
    2011: Midnight in Paris
    2012: Zero Dark Thirty
    2013: Gravity
    2014: Boyhood
    2015: The Revenant
    2016: Moonlight
    2017: Get Out
    2018: Roma
    2019: Parasite / Joker

  26. Excellent ranking! I agree with your top 3 wholeheartedly. No recency bias, 'Parasite' is one of the best films of all time! Easily the best Best Picture winner of the Decade.

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