2020 BAFTA提名反應!! (小丑DOMINATES)


  1. My prediction is that '1917' can't win the BAFTA for Best Film, because it's not nominated for Film Editing and Original Screenplay. There's going to be an upset in that category – however, it can win Outstanding British film.

  2. Crying about how white the nominees are is bullshit …. at this point the Npcs want participation trophies for people of color…. because…. feelings…. it should always be based on MERIT not based on Rcial quotas otherwise they are meaningless

  3. Parasite deserves best director, picture, and foreign film. Unfortunately due to Weinstein creating 「Oscar campaigning」 1917 is gonna win everything yet it copied dunkirk lol

  4. Apparently not enough black people.

    Here is an idea – what if this year, it just so happens that the best performances just so happened to be Caucasian – what if that was a thing that happened?

    Would it be better if a deserving actor (who god forbid was white of skin) was rejected in favour of a poor performance being submitted. That poor performance basically and for no other reason being included because the performance in question was that of a black person – is that fair and is not equality?

    Black people can do excellent work, this is a given, don't virtue signal. But, maybe sometimes it just so happens that there are more impressive performances by non black people. I mean some years black artists have dominated but nobody complained then?

    Can white people excel at things – because if we are not allowed to succeed, just say so and we can stop competing in things..

    Would it be better for the intolerant and maniac 'social injustice movement' if we ban white people from winning or competing in any awards?

    I mean, make it a law that only black people are allowed to win Bafta's and Oscars' that way we don't need to have this odious discussion every time a white person does well.

  5. I still think that Song Kang-ho has a good chance. I do not have a ton of faith in Hopkins because it seems that the foreign award shows (Golden Globes and Baftas) LOVE Two Popes, and the American award shows (The Guilds and Critics Choice) aren』t super crazy for it.

  6. I thought Little women's editing was brilliant, especially with the challenge of telling a story in different time frames concurrently. I guess it didn't work for enough people.

  7. 2019 was supposed to be the year when nobody talks about anything other than Avengers. Fortunately, we got all these films that reminded people what movies used to be before all the superhero ones took over.

  8. What was so great about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood besides the acting? Am I missing something? It was so wayward, long and boring. The only Tarantino film that I don』t like so far. Please enlighten me on what was so good about that movie?

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