-點擊說明中的鏈接,並通過幾個步驟確認您將到達原始鏈接。在這裡,您按下下載按鈕,您將下載一個中文遊戲商店apk。然後,單擊屏幕底部的第二項,然後選擇遊戲 LOL 移動(帶有Yasuo圖片)。當您按下下載遊戲時,它將迫使您共享要下載的遊戲,共有3種共享方式,即通過QQ,微信和拍照。拍照方法是最簡單的。但是,如果失敗,請在PlayStore上下載微信,註冊一個微信帳戶並共享。然後,您可以下載該遊戲。只需安裝apk並進入遊戲,您不需要任何帳戶即可玩。
-此遊戲僅在您使用此應用程序下載時才可玩。如果您從其他任何地方下載,則該遊戲將無法玩。 。

  1. – DOWNLOAD (APK – 100mb):
    – Click the link in the description and through a few steps to confirm you will reach the original link. Here, you press the download button and you will download a Chinese game store apk. Then, click on the second item at the bottom of the screen and select the game LOL Mobile (with Yasuo picture). When you press download the game, it will force you to share the game to be downloaded, there are 3 ways to share is by QQ, Wechat and taking photos. The way to take a photo is the easiest. But if it fails, download Wechat on PlayStore, register a Wechat account and share. You can then download this game. Just install the apk and enter the game, you don't need any account to play.
    – Why don't I upload the apk file to Google Drive or MediaFire?
    => This game is only playable when you download using this application. If you download it from anywhere else, the game will not be playable.

  2. I found a way to bypass the sharing method when downloading you just need to click any of the sharing and cancel it for 3 times and if you hit install you good to go thank me later

  3. When I saw notifications of Kizuma but didn't the title :Frick the update's finally here. I ain't gonna miss it today.

    After checking the video:Damn boi that's Really LOL

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