新越獄iOS 13.3 Unc0ver! A12和A13越獄iOS 13教程-沒有計算機!

如何在A12和A13上使用Unc0ver越獄iOS 13-iOS 13.3。無需計算機即可越獄iPhone 11,iPhone XS,XR等的新越獄iOS 13教程!此處下載:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13-a13-no-comp/?

適用於高達iOS 13.3的A13和A13設備的iOS 13越獄!終於到了,iOS 13越獄功能可以在最新設備上運行!現在,您只需四個簡單的步驟即可使用unc0ver進行越獄:

1.下載適用於A12和A13的unc0ver iOS 13越獄軟體。

快點!就像這樣,您已經在沒有A12或A13上的計算機的情況下越獄了iOS 13-13.3。那有多容易/酷?享受越獄的樂趣,請參閱此視頻以獲取問題;它會回答您可能擁有的任何問題!

Unc0ver 4.0.0當前包括對iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone XS,iPhone XS Max,iPhone XR,2018 iPad Pro機型和A12驅動的iPad的越獄支持。預期在後續更新中將支持較舊的設備-敬請期待。


— — — — — Unc0ver和Checkra1n iOS 13越獄保護範圍— — — — — —

▶︎前30個iOS 13和A12-A13越獄調整!

▶︎A11越獄iOS 13.3.1教程:

▶︎如何在Apple Store上越獄(如果您使用Windows)!

▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:



Pwn20wnd:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = Pwn20wnd
布蘭登·阿扎德(Brandon Azad)(發布了漏洞利用程序):https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=_bazad
Unc0ver團隊:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = unc0verTeam

— — — — —有用材料的結尾— — — — —

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **



  1. everything worked perfectly. today my phone shut down cuz of the battery when i tried to jailbreak again the unc0ver up got revoked and i cried when i saw that the unc0ver app cannot be installed anymore from that website.. after i press download and install , while its downloading it stops and says " Unable to install unc0ver. please try again later." Help?

  2. Unc0ver got deleted trying to redownload to remove jailbreak since it interfering with my drafkings location. But now I can』t re download app. Device management is no longer on setting and unc0ver says to try again later please help!!!

  3. there's no "jailbreak" button on my unc0ver app, this button is replaced by a "unsupported" button that does nothing when I press it, I have an iPhone XR IOS 13.3.1 with no pending update etc. I've tried a thousand times to jailbreak but it never works. Can someone help me plz ;(

  4. So my original certificate got revoked so I tried this method and cydia still will not open after trying multiple times to jailbreak.

  5. Everything worked for me guys . Unc0ver opens perfectly so I』m pretty sure you maybe missed something . I just wish I had an iPhone 8. I have an iPhone 6s

  6. Download and jailbroke my device. Downloaded a few apps from Cydia. Everything worked fine.

    Turned off my phone and turned it back on. Everything is gone. Cydia is still on that device but won』t open. And I can』t delete it… what happened and what should I do

  7. Hey, today I tried to download a game from the appstore, but this didn』t work. I kept on trying. Then out of nowhere my screen was black with that little loading screen in the middle. I tought it would go into safemode, but this wasn』t the case. I had to restore my device and realised that my last back-up was from March last year. My phone is now on 13.3.1 and I lost almost everything I had. In this video you said that unc0ver made a back-up right after you pressed on jailbreak. I don』t know how to access this back-up. Someone know how to get access to this back-up or if it』s even possible?

  8. Yeah… that』s too much Chinese access to my phone. I work for certain entities that do not even let us use tiktok there is no way I』m giving China all that access to my phone lol

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