如何在iPhone 11,XS和XR無計算機上越獄iOS 13-13.3! (A12和A13 Unc0ver越獄)

越獄iOS 13.3,並使用Unc0ver安裝Cydia Tweaks等! A12 / A13可計算性否需要計算機。支持的設備-iPhone 11 Pro Max,XS,XR,iPad Pro!
Alt Store下載:https://altstore.io/
Unc0ver 4.0.0下載:https://unc0ver.dev/
免費30個頂級iOS 13.3調整! https://youtu.be/8rG73FtvGW8

此越獄僅適用於iOS 13.3或更高版本。不支持iOS 13.3.1,因為它關閉了主要的內核利用程序。請繼續關注有關新A12和A13 unc0ver越獄的完整報道。

———– —-Checkra1n iOS 13越獄保護範圍— ——–

▶︎A11越獄iOS 13.3.1教程:

▶︎如何在Apple Store上越獄(如果您使用Windows)!

▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:



iOS 13 Jailbreak for Windows Released Yet? Status Checker

--------- Unc0ver越獄信用--- -----

Pwn20wnd:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = Pwn20wnd
布蘭登·阿扎德(Brandon Azad)(發布了漏洞利用程序):https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=_bazad
Unc0ver團隊:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = unc0verTeam


** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **



  1. As hard as these jailbreak come to us I can』t believe no untethered Jailbreaking yet i have a iPhone 4s untethered jailbroken iPhone that I use but having a iPhone 11 Pro Max it would be nice to have a untethered iphone 11 xx

  2. I did this and it worked great! But, none of the tweaks worked and I use Uber and lyft as secondary job, which I know they have a tweak to bypass it, but I reinstalled rootfs through uncovered and I deleted the uncovered app. I reinstalled it but now it won』t open to re jailbreak the device, anybody got any ideas?

  3. Hey thanks for all you do!!!! I had the jailbreak installed….. I installed a tweak that apparently didn』t work and when it rebooted Cydia won』t open…. I believe if I could respiring my device it would all be good but I can』t reprint it ?? Any thoughts ?? I rebooted several times , I soft booted ….. I toggled my mute
    Button on and of three times…. nothing I stare at cydia on my iPhone and it won』t open or delete the bad tweak I installed I enjoyed my jailbreak for three dam days…. I』ve waited years for this to come back I also have the iPhone XS Max cheers and please help !!

  4. Guys! I was struggling for hours, uncover would instantly crash after downloading from any source. I fixed my issue by backing up and resetting my iPad. After that appcake runs no problem as well as unc0ver ??

  5. Everytime I jailbreak it goes through but as soon as it respring it goes black and restarts my iPhone , have the Xr anybody have tips ?

  6. Looks like us below A12 bois are still unlucky without a windows jailbreak method and without a supporting method on our devices. ? I』ll come back in another year.

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