

華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)在2020年奧斯卡頒獎典禮上發表了精彩的獲獎感言,當時他憑藉在電影《小丑》中的角色獲得最佳男主角獎。




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Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro許可的音樂


華金鳳凰奧斯卡演講,華金鳳凰奧斯卡演講2020,華金鳳凰奧斯卡演講字幕,華金鳳凰奧斯卡演講視頻,華金鳳凰奧斯卡,華金鳳凰奧斯卡2020,華金鳳凰奧斯卡獲獎演講,華金鳳凰奧斯卡Win Joker,華金菲尼克斯,華金菲尼克斯最佳男主角,華金菲尼克斯語音2020,華金菲尼克斯語音奧斯卡,華金菲尼克斯語音奧斯卡2020,打破互聯網的演講。

  1. all sentient beings
    That includes people
    People who eat meat
    People who are vegan
    Homophobes and some others who just don't like the idea
    Greedy people in both rich and poor classes
    The world can never achieve anything close to being ideal society, that's the truth tbh

  2. Yeah, ALL TALK. Do something about it then . Give all your wealth to one town. Teach them to eat differently , let them not farm animals anymore . Teach them to grow their own food , that doesn't harm animals. A speech is great, but it's all talk . Put it into action as an experiment , then maybe others will follow. DONT JUST TALK ABOUT IT ! If a huge star like YOU can do it then anyone can .

  3. The sickness and hypocrisy of commercial virtue signaling. If this guy is a vegan then I'm an astronaut that went to the moon. But go ahead you vegans you sacrifice your health on a plant only based diet that leaves more animal protein and fat for me instead of carbs/ sugars.

  4. Thank you, Joaquin – words can't express my feelings! You are truly a sentient being! A quality which most part of human kind is lacking, especially towards non-human kinds! While evil ignorance and crimes against all forms of life rule the globe, you are an outstanding shining light at the horizon, showing us the way into a better future! You are my hero until my last breath!

  5. He is so genuine and there is so much innocence still left in him. No wonder he struggled to fit in in this society. God bless him, and his family.

  6. Sigh….this family is unique. If you haven't read or looked into it, you should. They lived a very interesting life until Hollywood got a grasp. Then drugs got ahold and took one of them 10/31/93. That night was a nightmare. Complete pandemonium. Including one particular person yelling out to get him out of my club, I don't want him dieing in here, rather than helping save him. Outside he laid, while waiting for help. Joaquin, I'm certain your bro was smiling down on you in that moment of your speech. Your pain still shows and I KNOW that won't change.
    There's many times I'm sitting at the top of a 14er thinking about my bro and tears coming down my face. So I know the love you miss that can never be replaced.
    Kudos on the speech?✌

  7. I love how meat farmers are claiming his speech is affecting their mental health and having a negative effect on their industry.

    Maybe they shouldn't have opted to imprison animals who end up getting murdered for humans who find the taste of flesh appealing?

    Zero sympathy for the farmers, and nothing but love for Phoenix and all those fighting to give a voice for the animals who are murdered in their billions.

  8. I v just been hit with racism newly first time in my life and that too of the worse kind I relate with the bitch who asked me to go back to you home country but now I know what it means people talk about some white ppl think they have the right to rule the world they are better that they are entitled to better treatment

  9. A lot of compassion, love, understanding and wisdom coming from Joaquin Phoenix there. Compassion and love are frequencies that we produce and emanate from our being. Those colors are pink and red, compassion being pink and love being red.

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