iOS 14將如何改變一切!

iOS 14將如何改變一切! | iOS 14內部開發細節和謠言

哪些iPhone將獲得iOS 14?:

iOS 13是有史以來功能最強的iOS 13發行版之一,Apple知道這一點。這就是2020年進行一些重大內部重建的原因。

明年有了iOS 14,我們可以期待從第一天起就可以擁有更加穩定和可靠的版本。由於沒有太多要修補的bug,我們也可能會看到其生命周期中的點發布更少。

iOS 14仍將具有新功能和更改,但對於Craig和Apple而言,穩定性似乎是重中之重。應該的。期待更多謠言和泄漏。


iOS 13.2.3發布-最終已修復:
您不知道的17個ACTUAL Instagram技巧:
25多個改善iOS 13電池壽命的技巧:
iOS 13-如何創建有用的快捷方式自動化:
AirPods Pro-要做的前11件事:

您是否期待iOS 14?您最激動的是什麼?






▶️2019 Gear更新:


▶️在iOS 12上節省電池壽命(20多個提示):

▶iOS 12中的️Siri快捷方式(教程):



▶️iPhoneXS Max與Galaxy Note 9 SPEED測試-您可能會感到驚訝:


▶️LOADED2017 iMac 27英寸5K拆箱&評測:




▬保持最新! ▬



祝您有美好的一天,下個視頻再見! 。

  1. They need to fix apple music because it crashes a lot with my own music loaded on the phone.. It would be great if someday they could make that a separate app from the music that you have loaded on your phone.

  2. There wIill. E A Screen In left up to Down not In the Right for Duel Screen in Killer idea in the Left not in right in iOS 14 For Duel Screen up to down in the Left in iPhome. Not In the Right. Solve it Tim. it』s Pretty… Also in the Close Screen if you Upside The Screen there will Be More Buttons in Apple Music In The iPhone. Work.

  3. I strangely enjoyed the frequent updates ! It was a good thing, shows that they』re trying to fix it. Something that can』t be said with Android phones where bugs are not fixed for long period of times

  4. Am i the only with a Galaxy Tab E Lite ? ? Its really buggy… i hope i'll get an IPhone really soon! OH! I forgot to say that there is no front camera ? im dying ??

  5. I swear to god if iOS 14 is just another fracking bug fix update like iOS 10, 12, AND 13 or when After An Entire Year all they do is add 2 new settings and an extra camera mode im gonna be so pissed. Apples yearly software updates have the same content and interest value as Google's monthly OS updates

  6. They won』t change shit. They shove their preferences down our throat and people continue to buy their products. iPhone is filled with tons of useless novelty features, disorganized and poorly conceived concepts and they do not listen to users!

  7. Okay so you know how the WWDC app lets you change the color of the app icon? Maybe that's low-key apple hinting at themes…Maybe not, probably not, BUUUUT what if Apple adding the ability to change the icon's colors, is a hint towards themes on iOS?? The Bear note taking App allows you to change the icon too

  8. I don』t understand what buggy really is, though? Like, I』ve never had an issue with iOS. Maybe an app closes out of the sudden but that happens 1 time out of 100. ?

  9. Line up the team of people in the hallway that were in charge of the notes app & give 『em all a good kick to the crotch ! ?

  10. I don't know where you're getting this iOS 13 was "SOOOO BUGGY" from. I think one 13.X update was pulled temporarily because of a bug and HomePod had it's issues but besides that there really wasn't anything else. While yes software updates do fix bugs too the 8 software updates weren't from some major bugs that made devices or major features unusable. A lot of them were primarily for design tweaks or added features to iOS. People act like the tiniest of bugs are the end of the world. It's not even that close to iOS 7 or iOS 11 bad where you'd get worse battery and like half of the apps I use daily were just unusable until devs updated them.

  11. A feature I would like to see in iOS 14 is an option to hide the dock on the home screen as I think it would make it look cleaner. ?

  12. Sad to say this but iOS 13 is the worst update so far, bugs, battery life, glitches, random reboots, etc. the only good thing of iOS 13 is dark mode, and better looking UI changes. iOS 14 better come soon I』m tired of not being able to use my phone because of iOS 13』s bugs

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