從iPhone X移除劃痕並將其擦亮回新功能!

適用於iPhone X的最佳金屬拋光劑:

儘管價格高昂的999美元,蘋果的iPhone X還是大受歡迎。最大的變化之一是蘋果公司從鋁製向不鏽鋼制轉變。不鏽鋼具有許多受歡迎的功能,其中包括:抓地力,剛度和重量增加。但是,並非所有的事情都是美好的。 iPhone X的劃痕非常容易被發現,並且不鏽鋼在短短几周內就看起來非常討厭。時髦實驗室的主持人奎因·尼爾森(Quinn Nelson)向您展示了如何將不鏽鋼拋光成新的。您可以使用它來清除iPhone X,Apple Watch和其他不鏽鋼小工具上的劃痕!效果如此出色,您甚至不需要知道iPhone X的最佳保護套-不用一部就搖動手機!


  1. So IF YOU have space grey, or new green color with pro, it actually wont scratch as much as the silver because of the extra coating. Yes cant really repair it but it also doesn』t scratch as much so you can pick your posion

  2. Yeah I was trying to polish mine with tooth paste, because some article said that it could also run away the scratches. Now I have it scratchier than ever 😀 Maybe I should try those polishing pastes out…

  3. the iphone 4 and 4s also had a stainless steel band just like the X, but the band was not polished, so it didn』t show scratches like it does on the X, 10s, and 11 Pro

  4. The iPhone X stainless steel reminds me of the backs of iPods back in the day. They looked so similar after scratching.

  5. Just tried this and it worked perfectly!! I purchased the Mother』s Mag and a microfibre cloth and polished all the tiny scratches off my silver iPhone 11 Pro. So thankful that I bought the silver one because it seems like even with a case, the sides still get small scratches here and there. Thanks for this video, it really saved the day!

  6. I recently got the xs max and it just has scratches everywhere for no reason! I carefully place it on counters and never do anything silly with it. Apples are made to be broken ?‍♂️

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