Nintendo Switch與Switch Lite


任天堂最近發布了Switch Lite,它與常規Switch有何不同?在這裡找到!




  1. It's hard to decide. I really like the switch lite because it is really lite and easy to hold. The og Is nice to be able to play on tv. So I would save up for both. The battery life sucks on the switch lite. 3ds had more battery.

  2. Well I think I'll be going for the swicth lite because as of right now I have 3 children ages from 4 , 2, and a new born and I also work night shifts so there isn't much time on my hands to play docked so the lite sounds more practical to me ??

  3. What an ignorant comment–Switch lite is for that person who may not be financially well. Since when is $100 more dollars for the switch mean that you are financially well off? What an idiotic comment, coming from who sounds like a teenager.

  4. With the Switch you can just put the tablet part into a case and chuck the Joycons into your bag or pockets, this way it』s more portable then the Lite.

  5. Honestly play more PS4 but I want to play Zelda once I knew it was chosen the 2nd best game in last 30 years in Japan then I pick Nintendo lite :$

  6. I'm probably going to get the switch lite because my family has an Xbox, I'm a teen so I don't have that much money, and I also don't really wanna share with my siblings

  7. I only want a Switch for Animal Crossing, Pokemon and Zelda.
    And I prefer handheld consoles even though I have a TV in my room. So I think a Switch Lite is better for me, especially since I won't be playing a whole lot of games.

  8. i love nintendo switch lite because i dont play on tv thats y i buy it…also i love nintendo switch cuz its look badass…for me no problem at all…u choose…nintendo still nintendo just on and off…??? sory for my broken english


  9. I use my Switch (I got it on launch day) in handheld all the time. Rarely on my TV or in tabletop mode. The thing is, I like knowing that I CAN use the other modes if I choose. I have an Xbone for my main console but I tend to use the Switch more often.

  10. Do I need a switch lite? No.
    Do I want a switch lite? No.
    Do I have a Nintendo Switch? Yes.
    Do I care of how good it is? No.

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