
吉米(Jimmy)重獲第92屆奧斯卡獎,最佳圖片獎得主Parasite的情節聽起來很陌生,唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)懲罰了作證反對他的人,針對南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)撕毀了他的國情咨文講話,如果您認為那很糟糕,請等到看到他新預算。


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關於Jimmy Kimmel Live:
吉米·金梅爾(Jimmy Kimmel)擔任美國廣播公司(ABC)的深夜脫口秀節目「艾美獎獲獎者」(Jimmy Kimmel Live)的主持人和執行製片人。

「吉米·金梅爾(Jimmy Kimmel)直播」以其在病毒視頻方面的巨大成功而聞名,僅YouTube上的觀看次數就高達56億。
Kimmel最受歡迎的喜劇片包括-Mean Tweets,Lie Witness News,Jimmy’s Twerk Fail Prank,不必要的審查,YouTube挑戰賽,嬰兒單身漢,電影:電影,英俊男子俱樂部,Jimmy Kimmel Lie偵探和音樂錄影帶,例如「我(想要)在您的Tatum上遍歷」,並與Robin Thicke,Pharrell,Jimmy和他的警衛Guillermo進行模糊線條模仿。
現在進入第17季,金梅爾的來賓包括:約翰尼·德普,梅麗爾·斯特里普,湯姆·克魯斯,哈莉·貝瑞,哈里森·福特,珍妮弗·安妮斯頓,威爾·法瑞爾,凱蒂·佩里,湯姆·漢克斯,斯嘉麗·約翰遜,錢寧·塔圖姆,喬治·克魯尼,拉里·大衛,查理茲·塞隆,馬克·沃爾伯格,科比·布萊恩特,史蒂夫·卡雷爾,休·傑克曼,克里斯汀·維格,傑夫·布里奇斯,珍妮弗·迦納,瑞安·高斯林,布萊恩·克蘭斯頓,傑米·福克斯,艾米·波勒,本·阿弗萊克,羅伯特·唐尼,傑克·吉倫哈爾,奧普拉和不幸的是,馬特·達蒙(Matt Damon)。


  1. 6:23 the heat kills this type of virus – Donald [I have no F'n idea what I'm talking about] Trump

    The heat kills it donny? Tell that to the people that have in places like Iraq and Iran.

    Trumptards, do you ever listen to what he says? Ever?

  2. What an angry man. Calling a family parasites. What』s wrong with this guy? Is this what you call comedy? The world would be a much better place w/o these late night hypocrites!

  3. I think it's funny as hell that when trump is caught or accused of something, he always accuses a Democrat of the same thing.
    He's the deflection king.

  4. I'm sure he knows all about photo shopped. He used it when he photo shopped Nancy and Chuck wearing' Arab attire.Geesh this guy has a short memory.

  5. Definitely the largest insect humanoid that I have ever seen….Putin must have freed him from Area 51 where he was being held after he crashed his ufo in the desert back in the 50s….are country is being governed by aliens…Lol

  6. I realize it was all part of 『comic relief』 but when the occupant attempts to talk [like a grown-up human], it hurts, it physically pains me to the point of nausea.

  7. It』s Trump』s prerogative to rid the 『Obama holdovers』 for good reason – including draining the swamp, and controlling the leaks. Also getting rid of those working against his administration. Mr. Vindman couldn』t get a job in the private sector.

  8. If the Dotard wants to watch "Parasite", he just needs to sit in front of a mirror for two hours.  Like the rest of the World looking at him for two hours, he would not understand what he is looking at, but for different reasons.

  9. ছবিটি আমার ভাল লাগেনি। এই প্রথম আমি ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্পের সাথে একমত হই

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