這是真的! PATCH 8.3和NO Patch 8.3.5沒有帳戶範圍內的所有要素

這是真的!沒有補丁8.3的廣泛精髓,也沒有補丁8.3.5,這確實令人非常沮喪,因為我們被所有8.3錯誤打了耳光,而且對於許多玩家來說,恐怖的願景還不存在。新的Ion Hazzikostas訪談有很多值得借鑒的地方……至少可以確定8.3傳奇斗篷確實可以按預期工作,但除此之外,此補丁還有很多問題,而且8.3精髓仍將保留下來簡直是荒謬。我們將在8.3類更改的所有內容之上深入探討所有這些內容,並且暴雪娛樂公司將如何更加專註於擺脫Shadowlands Beta,因為我們可以預期10月中旬的Shadowlands發布日期,但在那之前,我們仍然堅持使用8.3日報和8.3信譽一切都很好,我的意思是,在8.3恐怖的願景中會有樂趣,所以…無論發生什麼情況,請堅持使用MarcelianOnline進行任何新的哇更新和所有wownews 🙂




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  1. ION is fucking awful! Account wide essences were literally the only way to save this expansion and MR incompetent straight refusal to fix the game is incredible! LOL great clip I would literally love to give Ion the Joe Peshi treatment so bad.. Wrecks the game and wont fix it what a mut

  2. I just rerolled a 2rd toon for our raids and i needed to get certain essences, by the time i get them all to rank 3 we will be out of the fun progression and into farming the raid, this patch so far has made it so if you need to do a emergency Character change for progression you just simply cant unless you do not have a job.

  3. What I can't understand is Blizzard pushing all these allied races while continuing to neglect alt friendly considerations. We are still stuck with using a mailbox to move items among our own alts. I'm still asking for account-based shared storage, something like a guild bank that only my toons can access. Perhaps it would a simple fix like implementing a secondary "guild" membership.

  4. Instead of just giving everyone the essences, why not make it so they pick up on the achievements? I mean achievements are already account wide so if you have it unlocked then all you』d have to do is farm the currency in the respected zone, mana pearls, marks of honor and so on…it takes the literal months of grinding out of the equation but you still get to experience the content. Problem solved?

  5. account wide essences dont make sense considering they are basically just talents. might as well make all class talents account wide and let people make their own classes. and since you brought up the artifact knowledge they added a quest that auto jumps your neck to 50 and made it so you dont need to unlock higher level azerite traits anymore

  6. I never understand why people get so pissed off about store mounts. They aren't holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy them.

  7. Meh, meh, meh…. all i see is crying kids over here and no-life ppl looking for attention on the internet. If you don't like the game or things do not suit ur wishes then gtfo and play something else!

  8. Nice video. I just canceled my wow subscription today…It's a waste of time, the endless grind is no for me, I don't have the time to farm all day. But if you don't do it then you don't have essences/cloack which means you don't have place in a raid.

  9. people who want account wide essences simply lack understanding of the game. There needs to be a way to progress your character, besides gear, after reaching max level. stop crying – it would not be fair for you have account wide power just because u have done the rep grind on a different toon. Gear is already stupid easy to obtain now ppl want the essences for free haha jokers no chance! you lack perspective and experience!!

  10. This is big problem and shame… i am Mac user and When i got 8.3patch my game is unplayable… after 15min i had freezes and after crush my pc and see only black window… Wtf is that? U cannot play one week :D… i an still waiting for some fixes from Blizzard… is it here any person Who has same problem? I saw a lot of comments on Wow Forums thx

  11. Lets just close 8.1 and let them get 8.2 right. Lets just close 8.2 and let them get 8.3 right. Lets just close 8.3 and let them get shadowlands right. Moral of the story, shadowlands looks like itll be shit too from repeated actions

  12. Time is money friend! the more subs they lose they will time gate the shit out of you to the point you get divorced and cage your kids.Next rank 3 you have to get a dust brush before you can pick herbs or better yet blizzards your drug dealer you get a good drop then you get powdered eggs .If you don`t do this 5 part quest the content will be blank!! A game should be fun not like work.whoever pisses the highests wins but what? killing faster? scaling to bleed you for time.

  13. Ion now is not one of the players he's now a corporate bitch-ass, he will do his deadlines and follow managers' orders with his mouth shut. This is what happens when a company that making games starts to run under managers and accountants and not by game devs. If their sloppy work continues to Shadowlends and further – it's a final burial of this greatest ever game.

  14. I was willing to max out my essences to rank 4 if it meant at rank four they'd be account wide. Now, meh. I just grind to 120 and move to the next character thats under 120.

  15. Im just leveling alts to test (never played as monk, priest and shaman), and to choose 4 "mains" to play in shadowlands (already choose DK and DH).
    In this patch I'll just do nyalothia a couple os times, some pvp and dungeons then quit and wait

  16. There is no wake up call.  Blizzard Devs, Ian in particular are so indoctrinated to their own BS and by the ethos of Activision, that I truly believe that the game could lose ALL of its subscribers tomorrow and they would still think they are doing a good job.  They would manufacture some excuse and say the game just went through its life-cycle or some BS like that, before they would ever admit that they are killing their own game.  The combination of maniacal ego centrism and the complete lack of respect this company has for its customers is astounding.  Good video.  Subscribing.

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