新的通過Linux和Unc0ver for iOS 13.3越獄的iOS 13 Windows越獄即將到來! (A12-A13)

越獄iOS 13.3.1-Windows PC上的iOS 13通過Checkra1n for Linux!本機Windows越獄支持即將推出+ Pwn確認Unc0ver將更新到越獄iOS 13-13.3!

使用以下步驟從iOS 13.3.1降級:


沒錯,如果您啟動並運行Linux,則現在可以在基於Windows的PC上越獄iOS 13。該過程本身非常簡單-請繼續關注教程。對於擁有新設備的所有人,請從iOS 13.3.1降級以能夠使用unc0ver越獄iOS 13.3和更低版本的半獨立設備,這些設備將很快更新。我們首先需要Brandon Azad的利用,他確認他將很快釋放。

越獄的世界再好不過了!現在我們可以在Windows上越獄iOS 13,越獄iOS 13.3,越獄iOS 13.3.1和越獄iOS 13 …剩下的唯一事情就是能夠越獄iPhone XS / XR系列和越獄iPhone 11在iOS 13上-然後我們將被設置!請繼續關注完整報道。

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越獄保護範圍— — — — —

▶︎A11越獄iOS 13.3.1教程:

▶︎如何在Apple Store上越獄(如果您使用Windows)!

▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:


▶︎Checkra1n Windows越獄狀態檢查器:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for Windows Released Yet? Status Checker

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的結尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **



  1. So after I have checkra1n , then Cydia, updates to Cydia, respiring to Cydia updates…. then what?
    Do you have a video to show what to do after you have Cydia installed?
    Also if you actually turn off your phone , then back on , Checkra1n is gone , and Cydia does not open , it just closes out …So what』s next to do ? Got a video for next steps?….

  2. I just wanna know what kind of development team decided to not only make a highly anticipated jailbreak on a mac only, but to then follow up support for Linux and not windows, the most used os.

  3. i want to jailbreak my iphone 6s with ios 13.1.3 haven』t updated yet what should i do update it to 13.3 or is there a tutorial for 13.1.3 to be jail broken ? please reply ??

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