

最初這是一個小時的視頻,但我將其縮短為30分鐘;因此從最後的視頻中刪除了一些想法。未列出的一些奧斯卡金像獎影片是完全不喜歡未切割的寶石-我認為它應該被提名最佳影片,最佳男主角,最佳剪輯和最佳混音/剪輯。另外,艾迪·墨菲(Eddie Murphy)的多倫米特獎最佳男主角是我的名字。親愛的原著劇本。 Awkwafina最佳女主角和《告別》中的Lulu Wang。


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  1. hoping the Oscars will be better the the golden globes, quite a few snubs as well for nominations at the Oscars. joker hands down is such an amazing film, I loved it and shockingly directed by the same guy who directed the hangover, crazy to think he had this type of direction in the dark part of his brain. Shows his true talent as well. Once upon a time in holly wood I liked a lot, thought both Pitt and DiCaprio did great jobs in it.

  2. Believe it or not, I never heard about any of these movies. Would you believe that's coming from someone who has an active interest in film and video? I wonder how many others out there are like this.

  3. I'm partial to Tarantino just because I love his work. Lol. I totally agree about the lady for Us getting snubbed! She was awesome! You have some really great picks in this list. ?

  4. Hello Wesley…. I'm going to say this based off of what I've seen in the previews since I have not seen a new movie since Transylvania 3 (with my kids) hahaha. Joker looks like a great GREAT movie. I can totally wrap my head around a movie of that style.

    I have to touch on 1917… I LOVE war movies! They do teach me a little bit about history and that's appealing to me. If they include some voice over narration then it simply heightens the experience. Platoon did that and it's one of my favorite war movies of all time. I feel that 1917 will give me that "vintage" feel and that's another reason I'm wanting to see it.

    The Irishman is simply self explanatory. Martin Scorsese is brilliant, period! The actors are some of my favorite to fill roles of this type of movie. Will is be long and drawn out?? Either way, I love movies where the more I see them the more I like them. This one sounds like it could be loaded and take multiple views to totally figure it out. I LIKE that!

    Once upon a Time in Hollywood…. it sounds solid. I bet that it will take me a few views to figure it out. There are usually hidden agendas in his movies. The sound track is probably awesome, maybe you can tell me!

    Lion King…. I just want to see it, period! Visually, it's probably a beautiful movie!

    Lots to talk about here an I'm giving you what I can and then letting it roll. I'm at about 16 minutes… gotta get to bed as I work in the a.m.. Regardless, full view 😉

  5. The problem is, this is Hollywood and they are the ones who get to decide who is good. There are so many great independent films out there that are very poorly rated that deserve Oscars.

  6. This is really cool I liked your reaction and opinions, I personally believe that everything was fair except avengers endgame should be up for beat picture or something else besides visual effects, I mean after all the records it broke.

  7. My wife and I saw Bombshell tonight and it was freaking amazing! So glad for Margot Robbie. I am disappointed there was literally no nominations for people of color or for Little Women!

  8. I thought that Eddie Murphy would be in for best actor and Robert de niro too, they snubbed Avengers endgame only best visual effects, Frozen 2 is not in the animated film category. I saw Hustlers was decent in my opinion Jlo had her best performance in Selena.

  9. haha about trash….er Forky 😉
    I really liked once upon a time in Hollywood, thought Quentin did a wonderful job twisting the original story of the Manson murders into an almost love letter to Hollywood.
    And Joker I agree not a strong screenplay BUT Joaquin to me in my opinion deserves best actor! Fight me Wes! 😛
    Haha how to drain your Dragon should be at the porn awards
    I am not a fan of JLO, but like you I have not seen the movie so I will not judge until I do see it, cause it sounds like an interesting movie.
    Agreed on Joe Pesci deserves the award!! although Pitt did a good job in Once upon a time… Pesci has that look that speaks for him.

  10. I think the most interesting thing about the Oscars were people like Joaquin Phoenix who seemed to be under stress and had some interesting things to say, some of which may have been in between the lines. I didn't watch all of the Oscars, though.

  11. I feel so out of the loop because I travel so much. I didn't even see The Irishman, The Joker, Frozen 2 or Once Upon a Time in Hollywood this year.

    I appreciate that you touched on the difference in sound mixing and sound editing.

  12. I got Bombshell in the hair category but actually for Nicole Kidman and not Charlize
    I got Star Wars for Best Score, should be a lock
    The Lion King is a lock I think for the visual effects category IMO
    It's between Scar-Jo and Margot for Supporting actor
    Agreed, Joe Pesci for supporting actor
    Best Actor, ANYONE bus Jaoquin Phoenix but DiCaprio I don't think has won one yet……………..
    Scar-Jo would be a story for the best actress, I don't think anyone has won supporting and best in the same year have they?

    I know it sounds like I am knocking on The Joker but I see it's been credited a possibily award but I see it winning nothing and I think it just tries too hard. For me, Heath Ledger will always be The Joker, fact, and whilst I admit that Phoenix gives a good performance, I just feel that the movie wants you to try to love it too hard

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