

斯嘉麗·約翰遜(Scarlett Johansson)今年提名的不是奧斯卡獎,而是兩次提名的奧斯卡獎,因為《婚姻故事》讓她獲得了最佳女主角提名,而喬喬·兔子(Jojo Rabbit)則獲得了她的最佳女配角提名。上一次完成這項壯舉是在十多年前,當時凱特·布蘭切特(Cate Blanchett)入圍了《伊麗莎白:黃金時代》,而我在2008年就不在了。這並不意味著她沒有像勝利者那樣打扮。

這位35歲的老人穿著金屬質的Oscar de la Renta禮服讚嘆不已,這絕對值得她以雙重提名的歷史地位。這件衣服的特點是讓緊身胸衣由網狀織物製成,上面布滿漂亮的垂墜銀線,還有一條香檳色短裙搭配短短的火車,使約翰遜煥發了光芒。




#2020Oscars #Oscars #AcademyAwards

斯嘉麗·約翰遜(Scarlett Johansson)炫耀她的墨水| 0:16
RenéeZellweger的經典外觀| 1:16
Margot Robbie回收| 2:17
娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)的聲明披肩| 3:12
朱莉婭·路易斯·德雷福斯(Julia Louis-Dreyfus)違抗了自己的年齡5:12
辛西婭·埃里沃(Cynthia Erivo)發生了很多事情| 6:04
JanelleMonáe參加了《星球大戰》 7:15
Saoirse Ronan難得的小姐| 8:22
克里斯汀·維格(Kristen Wiig)的「千層面」 | 9:19
桑德拉哦,不! | 10:05
等等,那是Blac Chyna嗎? | 10:59


  1. Help me out.
    It took 4 people to carry Janelle Monae』s dress to the dressing room, it was that heavy.
    But she had no problem wearing it.
    Don』t see her dropping to her knees because of the weight!!!!!
    Don』t get it………. Please explain!!!

  2. Charlize Theron was the best overall, dressed, cioffed, followed closely by Renee Zellweger.
    There were many other that deserve honorable mention.
    One thing I dont understand is the greasy hair look, yuk.

  3. That first dress was STUNNING! Renee looked wonderful too (sigh!) Bobby? Yuck! Natalie nope! Charlize Nope! Julia too little pazazz, Cynthia nope! Janelle beautiful, Saorise Nooo! Kristen Whhaatt? Sandra Maybe, Black Ugh! I think a lot of them wear a crazy, yukky dress just to be talked about?!

  4. Sandra's dress just needed the sleeves off and it would have been an amazing dress.

    Ronan's skirt should just have been black and it would have been a statement piece.

  5. Kristen Wiig is very pretty, but her dress was very odd to say the least. I luved Renee』s dress tho, she looked so beautiful. And it seems like Charlize is always rocking the Oscars with her dresses every year, nominee or presenter

  6. I really loved Janelle Monae』s gown and a few of the other 」worst dressed」 people. I feel like most of the people making these lists don't understand couture.

  7. All hideous. None of those women have the glamour and class of real film stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Brigitte Bardot, Claudia Cardinale, Gina Lollobrigida, etc.

    Scarlett Johanson always looks like a hooker. The back of that skirt makes her fat rear end look like it's caught in a wedgie.

  8. Of course, ALL these women look great. If ALL beautiful "every day women" had access to the hair, make up styliists, etc., these women have/had, WE could/would look better. Also, I know Oscar Sunday is a BIG deal..

  9. Where is Regina King on this list…she was by far the best dressed of the night….glamorous, sophistacated, stunning; I agree on Scarlet, Renee, Julia Louis, Cynthia looked fantastic, I commend Natalie Portman for her standing to her beliefs BUT that cape just swallowed her up, looked awful; Charlize Theron nice but boring; Janel Monea (sp?) looked silly but I get it she's a "serious artist"..LOL; I can't even try to understand Soirse Ronan's dress…ewww, she looked awful and she's a beautiful girl; Kristin Wiig has never been a fasionista that I can remember, so whatever, it was ugly; Sandra Oh was a huge disappointment, uh what?; Blac Chyna is just trashy and should have not been there.

  10. It cracks me up because they』re wearing insanely expensive clothes & jewels yet they still have the audacity to virtue signal the rest of us! Ugh!!!!

  11. With all the people starving and homeless we have to watch their f***ing stupid dresses that cost as much as a yearly salary of a normal person if not more. They think they are the new royalty… they're just ridiculous.

  12. Blac Chyna had every right to be there, just as much as all of the other fake posers who have make believe jobs. None are rocket scientists, including the announcer- coke nose.

  13. Oh, just shut up! They all look stunning. I absolutely love when people take risks and try different silhouettes. Why would they be obligated to wear traditional proportioned em sables to please tabloids and gossip web channels? Seriously. They』re are the Oscars, you』re sitting on your couch. I don』t even need to ask you to take a seat.

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