所以我下載了Wicked Whims …??


?以與我相同的方式來捕捉您的遊戲玩法! ?http://e.lga.to/clare


該視頻已創建,並由Clare Siobhan擁有。該視頻是PG,適合家庭觀看,沒有詛咒或罵人的內容! ?。

  1. Everybody: Clare: ''nothing weird is going down in my neighbourhood'' The racoon: nope
    Me: I'm hungry and I'm going to watch anime

  2. I love how they are having a chin wag, and you say nothing weird is happening as a sim is fully dressed in a raccoon outfit walking the street with their umbrella.

  3. hey, suggesting that ppl are weird or pervy for having one of the most downloaded sims mods is kinda not cool? wicked whims is an amazing mod for multiple reasons and enjoying the mod (like a LOT of people do) doesn't make you a perv. I get that you had to say you didn't want the nudity options and stuff bc you have some young viewers but saying that it's weird and pervy over and over again is the reason I'll be skipping this video. I love your videos but this was strangely critical of people who use this mod regularly.

  4. can you please please please link the mod for non inappropriate wicked whims maybe in your next video please i added wicked whims to my game and every time i take it out of my mods folder it re installs itself!!!!

  5. Once in Sims 2 my sims were marry and the funniest thing they were doing on holiday and relaxing on the bed is… The woman turns on the TV, then second later the guys turns it off, then seconds later she turns it back and so on. It went on for hours in sims time universal. 🙂

  6. It's hilarious to me that she wants Wicked Whims for the attraction system because I hate that part of Wicked Whims and always turn it off (and the personality archetypes [however that is spelled]). It drives me nuts when they find someone unattractive who I for one think is sim attractive, or I have plans for them and the attractiveness ruins it.

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