




了解有關Jojo Rabbit導演的更多詳細信息,以及他在質量檢查會議上說的有趣的話。趕上最佳圖片接受演講。另外,千萬不要錯過紅毯上最知名的明星所穿的奧斯卡2020年最佳服裝!


觀看布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)向家人發表感人的演講,並為孩子們獻上自己的演講,同時還要感謝他的朋友萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)。你們如何看待最佳女演員獎?您是Renee Zellweger團隊嗎?還是您正準備去思嘉·約翰遜?

不要錯過這裡的2020年奧斯卡獲獎者最酷的回顧!另外,請聽Billie Eilish Oscars昨天演唱的歌曲!

在我們的視頻中觀看Eminem Oscars的怪異表演!了解有關Taika Waititi及其熱鬧演講的更多信息。也發現最可愛的瑪格特·羅比紅毯時刻之一!您需要了解有關勞拉·德恩(Laura Dern)和當晚其他獲獎者(包括奉俊鎬)的所有信息。獲取更多從1917年到福特vs法拉利的詳細信息!




  1. I love to see Oscar red carpet,… it's glamorous event I believe that you can remember me even I've never perform on the stage. Thank you for all support n help since 2012 after graduated from the University in Houston Texas. Thank you again and a moment of share.

  2. Ps of course spike Lee's afroccentric racist retarded ass was doing Kobe crap, but, why just because Kobe died are so many idiots pretending he was suddenly a good dude? He was end best b baller ever, ok, but a sh## human being rapist arrogant womanizing douchebag awful person, and dying doesn't suddenly make him a good dude so let's just stop with the nonsense revisionist history and fraudulent fabrications about what a good guy Kobe was, he was a sh## human being and dying dont change that!

  3. Yuck, what an emberassing night for America Oscars need to be renamed libtardapalooza and btw wtf was this idiot in video doing praising pheonix, he ranted about animal rights idiocy on Oscar night for phukksakes ! And how pathetic are Sheeple where simply because someone can act their listened to on politics and world events and global warming and other topics they are no more qualified or enlightened in then your avg 5th grader, athletes actors celebrities etc need to stfu and stay in their lane and anyone retarded enough to have opinions formed or influenced by a celebrity need to be sterilized and euthanized for the good of mankind.

  4. The song has motherfuckin in it like twice…and damn. The stops in the song, I'm guessing, is cuz he's 47 and needed to take some breaks to keep up with the song.

  5. wait.. his kid chose a day when dad goes to Hollywood.. so he can feed this kid, pay for the life and one and one.. What a piece of rude child.. That must be a selfish son/ and then Brat thanks this kid.. do they say "thanks back?"

  6. Brad Pitt should stick to trying to work things out with his children. Oh, I think Brad Pitt will be in shock later in this year of 2024. What will be unveiled….

  7. Nice one Eminem way douche things up with your music and presence . Mr Scorsese is too smart to comment but trash and treasure don』t mix . You better kill yourself em !!! Now I』ll
    Buy that for a dollar!!!!

  8. And why is what the female nominees were wearing such a big deal? I get it, dresses look different to each other + most men wear suits but, ffs. They're all talented individuals who are there for a reason! Credit where credit is due! ??

  9. Dude, I』m a 52 year old heterosexual man with a decent public school education…as such, I know how to read text out loud correctly. You don』t…Fuk sake dude, practice when and where you do you vocal upturns…you sound like an over-excited 12 year old girl. Sad.

  10. I admit the first time I saw "Joaquin Phoenix speech" I was a little frustrated with it coming from a program about imaginary figures and movies to do it. However, after watching his speech, I am totally onboard with the sentiment and with the very real need to change the way we look at each other and the way we look at what we can do to help in a meaningful way.

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