

  1. Thats was somehow very cringe to watch. But if u think this is good, go watch "Shoplifters" to me its way better. More love more passion more emotions the type of movie u don't want it to end. Just miss it so much when it ends wish it would continue. Never wanted to a movie to go on so badly in my life. Trust me go watch it its mich better

  2. i thought 1917 was going to win, and i was so mad, but then i heard jane say parasite and i lost my shit. i screamed as if it was my own movie that had gotten that award.

  3. what a joke. now we giving out best picture to movies thats not american???? WTFFFFFF liberals truly have taken over. this aint best awards korea show ITS THE FUCKING OSCARS…how does a korean movie no one even fucking heared of fucking win best picture?

  4. Thank goodness. Finally the creative excellence of an Asian film wins over the repetitive trash that Hollywood keeps shoving down our mouths every year.

  5. Joaquin was really happy, he was clapping so happy! Thats good, hes very unique and humble enough to understand a talent film even if its not american…

  6. Sigo a este director desde "Memorias de un asesino" (para mi mejor que Parásitos). "El huesped" es también una genialidad. Uno de los mejores Directores de esta época de mal cine. ¡Bien por el y por la Academia, que esta vez no hicieron guasadas…"

  7. Parasite is probably my top three greatest movies I ever watched, along with the Godfather and Gone with the wind, truly a classic in cinema!?

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