已確認的Xbox Series X SOC和PS5規格|下一代硬體|微軟和索尼Playstation

Xbox Series X不僅是下一個功能最強大的控制台。它將迅速成為玩每一款遊戲的最佳場所,比即將推出的PS5強大得多,甚至可以與市場上每款高端遊戲PC匹敵,而價格方面,這是一款功能強大,超快的全功能遊戲機。推出2020年假期,它將改變我們看待主機遊戲的方式。

在Xbox Live上加我:Colteastwood

微軟索尼Xbox One Xbox One X Xbox兩個Xbox Scarlett Xbox Project Scarlett Xbox 2下一代遊戲機Playstation PS4 PS5 Playstation 5獨佔遊戲機獨有xCloud Project xCloud Xbox Game Pass Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Xbox遊戲Playstation遊戲Xbox Lockhart Xbox Anaconda Danta Xbox遊戲機遊戲流媒體雲流媒體Zen 2 Zen 2+ Navi GPU SSD下一代遊戲機Xbox One S Xbox Live Xbox Live Gold Xbox Rewards Microsoft Rewards E3 E3 2019 E3 2020 X019 Xbox Leaks謠言新聞Gears Halo Fable IV Forza Horizo​​n Motorsports Halo Infinite Playstation Now PSNow Phil Spencer Xbox Game Studios獨家PS現在PSNow。

  1. CORRECTION: The transistors count should be a comma, not decimal. They are in the 10 billions.
    Not a big indication of what the consoles could do, but wanted to correct my error.

  2. ?? Who cares…no good without any AAA games is it?….A big leap from my PRO & X…I doubt it…not worth £500+ it』s not PC Gaming!…I』ll stick with my current consoles & my 100+ games..thank you..?????

  3. Lol cards announced in 2 months with 50-60% more output then 2080ti. Not taking into account we can stack 2 cards . I』m all for more consoles , they』re cute – but anyone who thinks you』ll get pc like performance just remember this : pc master race

  4. So Xbox one series s (Lockhart) is going to compete with ps5 does that mean that Sony is going to do a PS5 pro to compete with series X?

  5. I feel validated for my choice supporting the consumer friendly brand. I sold me PS4 knowing I could finish the PlayStation exclusives on PSNow while enjoying third party titles where they play best. If the price difference is $100 or more, I'll consider getting both at Holiday 2020.

  6. Xbox needs to have an 'Instant Resume' feature that can be toggled in the settings.

    You are playing a game and hit the Power button to turn off the console. When Power back up, it will take you back to where you left off in the game or at least a checkpoint.

  7. I can't wait for the Xbox One Series X it's going to look amazing under my television and next to my Xbox One X. I think we're going to be flooded with games from Xbox on the coming generation and I can't wait. Great video Colteastwood. ?

  8. 6:09 I don't really give a care about this console generation, but one thing I do know: you are dead wrong when you say a small handful of exclusives aren't enough to get ppl to buy a console. Halo 3 launched the xbox 360.

  9. Do you recon the Ryzen 7 4800h will be as good/better/worse then the console chips? I'm thinking if the console chip will consume more or less power, 45w isn't much

  10. These specs are such bullshit.

    12 TFLOPS? You telling me they gonna put in a GPU that's almost as powerfull as a RTX 2080 TI? a 1200$ Card?
    Then the latest CPU Compareable to a 3700 ryzen cpu? Absolute mad lad!

    None of these is confirmed and for a good reason. They sell you bullshit. Telling me you getting a Console with the performance of a 1600$ PC Is the biggest crap i heard all year!

    Like Microsoft is willing to sell you consoles with a 1000$ loss each.

    PS5 specs seem more reasonably accurate 9 TFLOPS basicly a 1070TI and sure a 8/16 thread CPU on 3.2 ghz seems reasonable. The price will range then probarly from around 550 – 800$

    Keep in mind consoles always get sold with a loss in mind. But a 1000$ loss? HAHAHAHA No …

  11. 16gb of ram is not that much once you factor in that the CPU and GPU will share that ram. it's just simply not gonna last the generation. on top of that, we don't no how the rdna architecture will run, terraflops just aren't something to go by.

  12. WOW! if this is true this is already as power as the ps5 pro will be lol. Add in the better ui thats not laggy and that it is rumored that the series x can run Windows 10 (meaning it will play ps exclusives) LMFAO I love trolling the Sony groups on facebook now. Rember when it was 1080p vs 900p on the xbox? OMG it was such a big deal, fast forward to the xb1x and this new console now it is all about games lol.

  13. I think they could make a lot more money if they developed their console operating systems to be installable on regular PCs.

  14. I don』t understand how they』re saying the Xbox series X will have the graphics power of a video card that cost over a grand but then only sell the entire console at 400-500?

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