
《魔獸世界》的8.3版補丁已於本周在美國和歐洲上市,這是此次擴展的關鍵。 Ion Hazzikostas宣布沒有針對補丁8.3.5或進一步內容的計劃,他們的注意力完全集中在Shadowlands上。





  1. My personal rankings:

    1. WoTLK
    2. The burning crusade
    3. Legion
    4. Mists of pandaria
    5. Cataclysm
    6. Warlords of Draenor
    7. Battle for azeroth

    WoD may have had a content draught after launch but the content that was there at launch was pretty decent and it had a better story than BFA. BFA seemed alright to me on release when i was still working my way through the zones but once i finished the main quest i found myself absolutely bored. The main storyline was rubbish and the azerite system is hands down one of the worst things they've ever added to WoW. I would take artifacts any day over that garbage.

    So what did BFA have going for it? Decent raids and nice zones. That's about it but every expansion has nice zones and good instanced content so that's something we expect any way.

    Oh yeah, and at least WoD had bloody class tier sets. BFA did away with all that, essentially taking a dump on people who like transmog and variety.

    Shadowlands looks like a step in the right direction. I was dissapointed at first with there being no new class but the covenants seem interesting, I'm in support of the level squish and the old abilities that are being brought back seems promising. All of this combined with the four individual covenant storylines, the tower and the levelling overhaul is good news imo and from what i heard during the Q&A, Tier sets will most likely be coming back in the future, maybe in one of the shadowlands patches post-launch.

    But blizzard have promised the world before and dissapointed so I'm still highly sceptical.

  2. the moment you said classic is a better version of wow then current is the same moment i paused,down voted, laughed at how mental you have to be to say that and left. bye now.

  3. I don't feel like playing housing is a solid argument for real content, having done it in both Rift, SWtor and ESO, It's just fucking around with assets at the end of they day. Go play garrys mod

  4. oooh man… so glad i quit wow during legion time. Legion was decent but after that one, just went to shit further down and all the other stuff blizzard has been doing. Kinda glad I don't play anymore of their games. Like at all, no diablo 3, no overwatch, no wow, no hearthstone, no heroes of the storm. Nothin. Not even starcraft or warcraft 3.

  5. Strange you didn't even touch on how hard it's gonna be to play for most people because the game is hella buggy right now. Everything is rough. Even after some resets and attempted fixes it's still not great.

  6. WoW is a just another WoW clone now. The name Blizzard means nothing(good). I quit for Blitzchung and doubt I'll ever be back at this point.

  7. Yeah its not great at all but starting with Im not playing because of the bann on Bliztchump when you were already not playing Blizz games…. Yeah good one Azz

  8. "When everyone has it, it ain't a Legendary no more!"
    In terms of quality content, WoD is way more higher than this sack of garbage for me.

  9. 8.3, the patch where half of my characters dmg if not more comes from (grinded out) essences, azerite traits, neck levels, and now rng corrupted gear. Yayerz

  10. elder Scrolls Online is also hitted the 15 mill active subb numbers as well from last year to this year. Alot of WoW players joined that game too. and rightfuly so 🙂

  11. Is this the, jumping on the whine wagon, club? Only negative stuff in here.. I know negative stuff sells better, but come on lol it's sad what this channel has turned into

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