謠言:索尼計劃全面實現PS5向後兼容性// PS1,PS2,PS3和PS4、4K增強功能

有可靠消息來源證實,索尼將在發布時與PS5完全實現向後兼容性。它將向後兼容每一代PlayStation,包括PS4,PS3,PS2和PS1。最重要的是,消息人士稱這些遊戲將具有一些增強功能,例如4K,類似於Xbox One X對某些較舊的Xbox 30和Xbox遊戲的功能。這肯定是個大新聞,如果事實是真的,那將是絕對巨大的。



  1. Update: Many of you have made me aware that Comicbook dot com is way off the mark calling HipHopGamer a reliable source. So as I said in the video, don't get overly excited or set your expectations too high. I won't be using Comicbook as a source anymore going forward. However, there are still those patents filed by Sony that do lend creedance to this but at this point time will tell.

    So we have another source here saying the PS5 will be fully backwards compatible with every generation including PS4, PS3, PS2, and PS1. This is about the third or fourth time we are hearing about this and you know how the saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire. More importantly this is a reliable source that is willing to put their name on the line, that is how confident they are in this information. Now I don't want to get ahead of myself or overly excited, but is it just more or is Sony getting ready to drop a bombshell?

  2. If this was the case id probably only get it to try to see how many final fantasy games and persona and possibly beyonetta if they have it. Also all my guitar hero and DDR games

  3. Why would Sony do this for us. It』s all about money. What happens to their PLAYSTATION Now. That』s what they want you to buy. I don』t think Sony will let the system play 1,2,&3 games but will allow the 4. They want you to pay for the in system service for PS classics. I don』t see it happening. It』s a business. They want & need more money constantly. They』ll win the console wars no doubt about it & backwards compatibility will not scare them into giving in. It』s my thought.

  4. If this does happen, it』ll give PS1, PS2 and PS3 games more value, which is a win-win situation on their end and a win-lose for us, cuz these games will be a bit more expensive than what they were earlier… as long as there』re people who are/ are still selling these games anyway…

  5. it stinks that the ps4 didn't have the feature my ps3 does. that's the only draw back on my ps4 wish I could see the emulator on 4k to be honest

  6. Microsoft has NOT "knocked it out of the park" in terms of BC. The '360 had only a PORTION of original Xbox games that were compatible, and the Xbox ONE also only has a PORTION of '360 titles compatible. Both systems had periodic updates that added more titles, but eventually petered out after a while.

  7. I'd pay $1000 if its backwards compatible with all past consoles
    I have about 1000 playstation games from all generations. I could play lunar, valkyrie profile, valkyria chronicles, horizon zero dawn and watever ps5 games, BUT only if I can use my original software, not buying it again off of an Estore

  8. I'll buy a ps5 just for that feature alone while this generation disappointed me with mediocre games it will be great just to play my old games again since most of my PlayStations broke.This better be true and if it is they better not phase it out like the ps3.

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