iPhone X Face ID被騙了


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  1. My brother was able to unlock my iPhoneX with his face. He bought over $3,000 in Clash Royale gems. I'm returning this garbage for a Note 8 with a fingerprint reader.

  2. The sequence of this video makes it look like the Face ID is registered by the older brother, but I』m willing to bet that it was registered using the younger brother』s face because Face ID has more difficult time identifying faces of children under 13. Then it can be unlocked using the older brother』s face because Face ID assumes that the younger brother has grown up.

  3. under-screen touchID is coming, and Apple will join the bandwagon too. Its just a matter of time, as the technology matures. Until then, settle for faceID, or use pass-code only.

  4. As you can see in the video, the older brother is handing the UNLOCKED iPhone X to his younger brother. This is the same as handing your unlocked phone using a passcode, or using TouchID to someone else. It's unlocked, so it works for another person while it is unlocked. Nothing is being "fooled" here! (No genius brain needed to solve this "riddle")

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