Godfall PS5-首款PlayStation 5發布遊戲展示了下一代圖形並揭示了索尼的戰略

Godfall PS5是首款採用PS5圖形的PlayStation 5啟動遊戲。最新PS5新聞(PS 5)
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有關PS5新聞的更多視頻(PlayStation 5新聞):
PlayStation 5(PS5)-索尼從Xbox Series X獲勝的秘密但顯而易見的策略:https://youtu.be/7gmXcMSqfRQ

PlayStation 5已經是必須購買的-我們可以在發布(PS 5)前後期待的驚人PS5遊戲:https://youtu.be/9aqWw5RQkwY

PlayStation 5-索尼展示了發布窗口,控制器信息及更多內容! (PS5發布日期-PS 5):https://youtu.be/x9DC3y3pxA4

索尼暗示PlayStation 5的價格,《我們的最後一刻》 2可能不在2019年,還有更多新聞(PS5新聞):https://youtu.be/WrIgT8-tCA8

PlayStation 5的詳細信息-無載入時間,向後兼容,PS5圖形及更多內容(PS5新聞):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EHluuSRI6g


  1. Sony spending a lot of money on this game… and still will be a total fail. No hate and I love PlayStation but somehow this game seems so much like anthem which looked really good but end up being the worst thing that EA has created yet. Idk how now Anthem is but…

  2. Call me crazy but I had a game idea few years ago action rpg style where the main protagonist wears a gold lion armor with a lion helmet.And now this game is made lol !

  3. i think you need to stfu… this is gona be an other bait and switch …. remember the last of us ? death stranded ? metal gear solid ( the zombie wtf shit that was ? ) this is a game that they haven't even figured out wtf to to yet …

  4. For you to say Sony is banking hard on this game which is a new I.P. is redundant, why would Sony press so hard on a game that』s new to everyone that has no player base, sry it』s just game coming out along side other games, the reason it』s so big because it』s the first PS5 game to be announced with a trailer, Sony will back the game but not like it would Last of Us 2 or God of War

  5. With God fall all I got to say is fuck the West sjw feminist NPC etc etc

    If they do God fall right and ignore what any political agenda any marketing tries to force on them it's going to be a game Japan's going to like Korea is going to like and as such anybody that's a fan of melee looters is going to like

    But we know what a company like IGN is going to do
    If they don't get paid money or if there's no Millennial agendas in the game it will get a solid eight at most

  6. Already looks like a flop. Can we just stop trying to make games look like real life and have no focus, and actually try to make an enjoyable, addictive game that you can play alone or with friends? Thanks.

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