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#Oscars#Oscars2020 #OscarNoms




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  1. Wow,Amazing list!Probably the closest one I've come to my own.
    I still haven't Jojo and Little women(Ths video made me really hyped for Little Women and kinda pissed I missed it in theaters)but my list Worst to Best would probably be:
    Mid Tear
    High Tear
    4)Marriage Story
    Mind-Blowingly Epic Tear
    3)Once upon a time in Hollywood(My personal favorite of the nominees)
    1)The Irishman-Scorsese's finest effort since Goodfellas and it comes damn close to actually topping Goodfellas for me.I think time will be kind to this one

  2. 9. Ford V Ferrari
    8. Joker
    7. The Irishman
    6. Once Upon A Time in…Hollywood
    5. Jojo Rabbit
    4. Little Women
    3. 1917
    2. Marriage Story
    1. Parasite

  3. Great video! I have seen all but a couple of the films which I will see this weekend before the Oscars. I was wondering what you thought of The Hidden Life? I have yet to see it, and forgive me if you have reviewed it…but I am very interested in what you thought. I am still excited to see it even though it is quietly playing in only one theatre far from me.

  4. GREAT list as always, with time some of my rankings will change considering Little Women, Ford V Ferrari, The Irishman, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Parasite classics for me that I will rewatch often in my life. Joker is one I start to dislike more, I think it's a great movie, but doesn't reach the ratings it got. I still love the movie but Little Women will take a bigger place in my hearth than Joker, so this is my current list but in 5 years it will not be the same.
    9. 1917 (more than awesome for some scenes, good for the rest)
    8. Jojo Rabbit (big love for the movie, but some long parts)
    7. Little Women (things I dislike but the rewatchable factor will do it good)
    6. Ford V Ferrari (not perfect but a wonderful time, back at the early 2000's blockbusters that were not super hero movies)
    5. Joker (adore the second half, a bit boring first half and screenplay issues)
    4. Marriage Story (I cried, Adam Driver gives the best performance of the year by far in my opinion)
    3. Parasite (going into my top 20 favorite films ever, nothing to say, it's just perfect as it is)
    2. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (transported in 1969 hollywood where there is cinema involved in the story is the best gift)
    1. The Irishman (my 3rd fav film ever, didn't think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood could have been surpassed this year but it was. This movie is more than that for me. I can't express how I love it)
    Continue making interesting videos like that and your reviews are the best, the one for the movie Waves is perfect.

  5. Great video (I subscribed). This is my ranking btw:

    9. 1917
    8. Jojo Rabbit
    7. Ford v Ferrari
    6. Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
    5. Joker
    4. Little Women
    3. Marriage Story
    2. The Irishman
    1. Parasite

  6. Damn good list! I almost completely agree with you on this. I think I would have only placed Joker a little higher, although I haven't seen each and every one of these great films that were nominated. On a side note, I re-watched The Hateful Eight last night for the first time since it's premier in theaters and I have to say it was so much better than I could remember! This happens nearly every time I re-watch a Tarantino picture that I haven't seen in some time and it keeps me re-evaluating and re-arranging my personal "Best Of Tarantino List". I honestly can't decide, I just know my favorite is Pulp Fiction. Do you Re-arrange your Tarantino list often as well, for the same reason?

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