
從娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)的女權主義斗篷到湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks)和他的A表好友大喊「起來!」當寄生蟲的最佳圖片演講中燈光熄滅時。這些是您錯過2020年奧斯卡獎的時刻。

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  1. Moments I could care less about. Self congratulatory people who believe themselves to be better and higher than most people. They forget themselves. They are only people, just like the rest of us. No better, no worst.

  2. Bong Joon Ho is the star of the night.
    I love the way he smiled to his new friend Oscar!
    This moment is priceless! Well deserved buddy. Congratulations !

  3. Alo oscar. Glen. Un de music te llege envió. Ok. Oscar. Ay. Variado. Ok. Ay glen una ok. F. Uy es lo max soll siglo. Vuelvo. Tribu. Viva my vasca mundi io súper. Fan. Si. Me dejan y kieren no me es fácil. Donde. Estoy ok clara ba ya diré salud mental. Uy eso viene muy. Atrás cuando. Se. Va arrastrando al. Llega y uy ya dire subo ay mixmo eso no. Se. Ve kien lo. Entiende consulta. Pregunta. Ay. Lo esconden luego pasa uy. Ok. Como.se puede negar ocultar lo. Evidente elemental ay vario. Ya dire ok ayuda. Donde esta. No se ve ni se olle se siente. Un día el. Que. Te cuids piensa no te kedes uy. Vuelvo. Neón foco ayuda. Menú. Giño tribu. Viva my vasca mundi.

  4. I don't get it, just because women should get equal representation, they should be nominated even if the films are not as good? I really don't get it, because this would give them unfair advantage over men, which was never a part of the principles of feminism, which dictate that women should be considered equal to men and not above men, right???????

  5. Can I ask Janelle Monae which one of the 5 nominated directors deserved to be replaced by Greta Gerwig? Was it the guy who directed the best war film since Saving Private Ryan? Was it the one who directed the most transformitive performance of the year? Is it the greatest director of all time creating a masterpiece in a genre he helped define? Maybe its the most innovative director of his generation creating one of his classics? Or could it be the guy who won the fucking award? Which one would you say didn't deserve a nod? Greta has literally made two films in her career both of which were nominated for best picture and one where she was nominated for best director so I think she'll be fine without a nomination this year…

  6. You could have 50 more awards to please all minoritys. You never hear minoritys such as Chinese, Korean, Indian etc complaining about lack of diversity, in fact 14% of the US Black population is very well represented in the media more so than any other minority and even punching well above its 14% representation of its population…but he who complains most gets the most. Peace

  7. The only genuine moment in this video is Bong Joon Ho looking at his Oscar. Everything else is just pandering in order to get social justice points.

  8. Favorite moment goes to Bong Joon ho admiring his oscar on stage, because he looks so proud and happy like a child receiving his favorite present for Christmas and this was beautiful. Plus his movie was a masterpiece.

  9. Soooo…. you should be elected and selected just because you are a woman or minority not because you are the best at something? hahahah Why don't you go and pick heart surgeon to operate on you…oh will you pick woman, gay or black surgeon or you are going to pick the best there is. You didn't get best director not because you are a woman, it is because your movie wasn't the best! Faminazi shit….. Here comes the storm lol….

  10. Last year they protested not enough blacks nominated, this year women. Why do these hypocrites work in an industry rife with discrimination.

  11. You forgot Martin Scorsese receiving a standing ovation, when Bong Joon-Ho mentioned him in his Best Director speech.

  12. What happened when parasite crew came to get their award for best picture. I thought they ran out of time. What was the crowd saying? Up up?

  13. I'm sorry, but did anyone else notice how SOUR Bradley Cooper looked after Mark Ruffalo's comment indicating the number of women that directed and co-directed films who didn't get recognised? 1:211:33

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