越獄iOS 13.3.1更新:避免IT和越獄演示! (越獄iOS 13)

iOS 13越獄iOS 13.3.1 Beta!如果您想越獄,請不要更新至iOS 13.3.1。這也是一個iOS 13.3.1越獄演示。要獲得半不受限制的Sub iOS 13.3越獄功能,請訪問A12-A13狀態檢查器:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13-a13/?

如何使用checkra1n(即iOS 13.3.1)越獄不受支持的固件:

如何將iOS 13.3降級到iOS 13.2.3以獲取漏洞(HURRY):

iOS 13.3.1緊隨iOS 13.3之後:該固件修補了iOS 13中的兩個關鍵內核漏洞。可以利用這些新漏洞,這又將導致新的iOS 13越獄而變得更加不受束縛!這意味著不再需要使用計算機來啟動網路共享。雖然可以使用checkra1n越獄iOS 13.3.1(甚至在beta中),但是如果您擔心半離線越獄,請避免同時使用iOS 13.3.1和iOS 13.3!在不能使用Checkra1n的設備(例如A12和A13驅動的iPhone XS和iPhone 11系列設備)上尤其如此。仍然可以降級。

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越獄保護範圍— — — — —




▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:

▶︎Ra1nstorm Windows越獄說明:

— — — — —有用材料的結尾— — — —-

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. ?? I NEVER thought we'd get another tool capable of jailbreaking EVEN BETA firmwares as soon as they drop. Checkra1n is really a blessing! SMASH LIKE IF YOU AGREE ?

  2. It really work! I was really skeptical in the beginning… but it work! Thank you!
    But like you sad after soft reboot it not Jailbrocken… Do you know are they fix that?

  3. I went ahead and jailbroke my Iphone 7 plus with checkrain and that was running Ios 13.3.1 and It was perfect everything was working perfectly and a couple hours later the springboard crashes and checkrain disappeared and now I can』t run cydia. Is any one else having this problem?

  4. I jailbroke my iPhone 7 plus on iOS 13.2.3 and it was working fine and then one day it restrung for like… 10 minutes and when it come back all my tweaks were gone but Cydia still opened and worked 100% but none of the tweaks were functional or even showed up. can someone help?

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