弗蘭克·阿巴涅(Frank Abagnale):「如果可以的話,趕上我」 | Google會談

對於Google的「安全和隱私月」,我們很榮幸向您介紹真正的Frank Abagnale,知名的網路安全和欺詐預防專家,暢銷書作者和「如果可以的話,吸引我」的主題。



弗蘭克(Frank)著眼於高科技犯罪分子開發的欺騙和欺詐的最新技術,使聽眾對當今不斷發展的安全形勢有了更深入的了解,更重要的是,使人們了解了如何使世界變得更加安全。 。

  1. This is just a story of a boy's survival. Like he says himself, he was a boy. A clever and resoureful boy indeed but a boy nevertheless.
    Huge respect to him for his character!

  2. I saw your talent, as a 16-year-old, was an innate ability to think on your feet. Just listening to your telling the young audience members how to do whatever they wanted to know…..wonder if you could be considered an accomplishment to future crimes? I think now that you're over halfway thru your talk, I'm growing tired of you and your abilities to connive, breach and manipulate our security systems. I know you say you have only to deal with your actions because you haven't 'seen the light' etc. but you need to stop your actions.

  3. Are they making him preach for his freedom: judging by his delivery, he's had a lot of practise delivering the FBI's "cautionary tale" Can you really be righteous and work for Government? Who said the government was righteous? The greatest trick the devil played etc. F the government, I'm for every Abignalé out there…I think most people are.

  4. Yezz u r a clever Einstein ! Luv it ? I'm a lil bit similar clever to especially I'm crossing other countries! Jello Google excuse me I'm not a criminal I'm not a thief I'm just clever u know dat in a simple way ! Thanks vry much I going to watch Catch me if u can!??

  5. FRANKY needs to realize that N.Korea is the place to live well where innocent people enjoy their life since crooks worry not even get into crime knowing if they get caught they will get nailed big time.

  6. FRANKY boy is DEAD wrong calling USA a great country where everyone got a 2nd chance…. I would say USA is FUCKED UP when innocent people dies or ripped off because someone wants to enjoy one's 2nd chance…

  7. I am glad this guy still RESPECT the FACT that it is important to have a Dad and a Mom to GROW maturely into ADULT………..
    Thank you Frank Abagnale!!!

  8. There are many of us that don't get an opportunity with the govt. after our campaigns of injustice so eventually without any opportunity we end up back in trouble just trying to survive…nothing to do with good or bad it's just what we know with no chance to learn anything else…

  9. It is not true that airline pilots bypass security as he says, by "simply holding up a card". First of all, unless an airport has special KCM (Known Crew Member), pilots have to go through the same security screening as passengers. They get their bag scanned and they have to walk through a metal detector. However, most of the larger airports (and a few smaller ones) have KCM where pilots and flight attendants can bypass security. But they have to be in the CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) database. It's a database of all current airline crew members and their photo. The pilot/flight attendant has to have their KCM card scanned to bring up their photo on the computer. Each crew member has a unique KCM card. In addition, they have to show the TSA agent their airline ID and then a second form of ID, like a driver's license or a passport. Their airline ID is not nearly enough.

    So, it's not nearly as easy Frank Abignail says it is to bypass airport security by "simply holding up a card".

  10. Church is a rehab for sinners not a clubhouse for saints .
    After 11yrs in an infantry rifle unit I'd become a professional drunk , it wasn't till I met dated cohabitated a mother of 4 that my life changed for the better . She and her children became my 12 step program a year into our relationship on a 4th of July , I quit drinking and have remained sober ever since .
    Realizing one great woman with 4 children needed me more than I needed my habbit , that was the day I became a man truly a man , we happily shared a 20yr relationship till I lost her to cancer .
    Your insights are spot on ? thanks for sharing .

  11. Really great video. Just got ensnared into his speech for the whole hour. Also gives a good information on things to be aware of in this 4th industrial revolution era.

  12. Hes a convicted felon, denied his pardons, yet out at shooting at the range and likes guns? ??? I know hes with the fbi but he would need to have his felony dismissed or something to have guns.

  13. 56:56 "We will be doing away with passwords in the next 24 months. Passwords will leave the world. There will be no more passwords."

    It has been more than 2 years!!

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