十年的Android用戶一周切換到iPhone 11 Pro-我的個人經歷

我已經使用Android 10年了,最近我嘗試切換到iPhone 11 Pro。我的第一部Android手機是2006年發布的HTC Eris。它運行的是Android 1.5 Cupcake。我的上一部iPhone是iPhone 3G。我最近擁有Pixel 2XL,而我妻子則擁有Pixel 2(還切換到了iPhone 11)。在此之前,我們擁有Nexus手機。這是我們的經驗。

對Pixel 4感到失望,切換到iPhone:https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/dj1kmj/ive_been_an_android_user_since_2010_but_i_might/


?Daily HiFi官方網站:http://dailyhifi.com/


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  1. I've watched the whole video from beginning to end and I really liked it because you gave us realistic use of a phone i a couple of days so you could find out what you like and do not like. Really great video. Keep on going ♥️

  2. I』m agree in almost everything you returning your iPhone, I have the same feelings I own an iPhone XR and always works good but I been an Android user since the iPhone 3g, I really like the Pure Android offered by pixel and nexus, something i really missing it is the personalization of my old Android. I will say; iPhone works really good but there are some many things that Android does better

  3. Balls to Android. Google's had MANY YEARS to get their act together, and consistently fails to do so. The company has NO sense of design, consistency, no class or refinement. Let their Java joke machine rot, it'll always be third rate rubbish as it was a compromise from the very outset.

    Look, anyone worth listening to KNOWS iOS is the platform that people take seriously, and Android is just a "me too!" pretender.

  4. Android does have better icecream I didn't use sprinkles lol. I appreciate how Apple force other OS to create a better user interface. I hate the limitations though!

  5. Does anyone know how to import music from a Samsung to iphone.. in a way the music will appear in the music library app on iPhone please I need assistance

  6. As far as the notifications on the iPhone, you can press and hold the 「x」 and then press clear all. And everything you wish the iPhone had is coming in iOS 14 update. They』re willing to be more 「open」 to using other apps as your main apps. Yeah I know, it won』t be 「new」 to you since android already has them, but at least Apple is actually considering these features for those who has been asking for it ?

  7. There is a feature in iOS 13 that allows you to screen your calls, it』s called Silence Unknown Calls, any number that is not in your contacts list goes to voicemail.

  8. I switched from my note 9 to iphone 11,
    And i switched back to note 9 in just 2 days because iphone was just unbearable for me because i am a businessman and i just couldn't do some basic things like call recording, true caller didn't worked properly for me like it works on android, i couldn't download videos from YouTube in my gallery, i couldn't extract zip files in file manager, picture on pictures didn't worked on YouTube, there was no always on display and the list goes on.
    So that day it was proved that i am not made for iphone.?

  9. Great video , I went from pixel 2 xl to the iPhone 11 . While I like the iPhone I do miss a lot from what google offered. Really wish pixel 4 was more promising … subbed !

  10. Wow, look at that video quality ?

    You need more than a week. You like and are used to using the Android operating system. You can use both Android and Google apps on the iPhone, but can』t do that on an Android. But, do you, boo. Enjoyed the video.

    She likes the fact that the iPhone is PRETTY! Say it…say it!!!! ???

    Tell your wife to download the following apps to screen spam calls:

    DU Caller

    Voila! Spam call free! ?

    And you can create a personalized ringtone using Garage Band, but it』s a pain in the ass. Took me 45 minutes to create one ringtone. That sucks ☹️

    You can download the Google Home app for Chromecast and Google Assistant on your iPhone.

  11. Great video… Leaving iPhone was the best thing I ever did! Granted, back in the day they made the better phones but Android phones have far surpassed apple now I feel. Love how the Husband came from this in a tech view and the wifey came from an aesthetic view lol. Having the same boring, old fashioned sounding apple ringtone as all the other isheeple is just embarrassing to me lol

  12. I tried the xr for three months. My coworkers told me if never go back to Android. I couldn't wait to go back.
    iPhone isn't bad, I'm just puzzled by the extra steps needed to accomplish simple tasks.
    This guy touches base on these things.

  13. Thanks for this video. Long time Android user here as well. All the way back to the Motorola Droid. Thought about going to an iPhone 11. But after watching this…I might just stick to Android. So many things I know I would miss after awhile. Currently on a Pixel 3a XL. Thanks again for making this!!

  14. Lot of people talk about prices of phones.. I』m with Verizon and never payed full price for a phone.. most people get straight and complain when they have to pay full price for something ??‍♂️

  15. Have a Pixel 3 and iPad Mini 2019 and that seems the sweet spot to me. I don't want a big tablet, and small android tablets are garbage, so Apple got my money and I really like the new Mini…phone wise, kept finding myself nodding my head at your points for Android. Especially since we've got a Nest hub and Home/Nest Mini's scattered about the house. If only Apple Music worked directly with them. The length of support for Apple devices is a huge plus for them but at this point I don't see switching to iPhone.

  16. Must be nice having the ability to return bought items for full refunds no questions asked. Where I'm from there's no such thing.

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