
周日晚上,韓國電影《 Parasite》拉開了序幕,這是第一部獲得奧斯卡最佳影片獎的外語電影。娜塔莉·莫拉萊斯(Natalie Morales)在好萊塢的重要夜晚從洛杉磯報道了《今日》。





  1. we korean are the white people through like snow white skin wheres the Westen are only light skin tone but its not like snow white..we korean come from Syberia, where is very cold and we eat Kimchi, whiche works like snow skin, You can not imagine how pretty korean girl actually are…

  2. So, the only thing that matters for you about the Joaquin Phoenix speech to report is, that he quoted his dead brother? Really? Shame on you! This speech is going to be one of the best Oscar winning speeches in history!

  3. Asking for a diverse nomination is actually not a good "long term" improvement, instead how about a more diverse panelist/jury. Although i believe that all the nominees and juries should be based on competency and unbiased judgement

  4. People need to understand, this was not an upset. This was the best movie of the year. Period.
    And even if you boil this down to inclusion, this was the best movie of the year

  5. I honestly don't see why people are so amazed by this movie. It was well made, of course, though I had some issues with the pacing – but I can't ignore the marxist angle (class warfare) being the motivating factor for very leftist Hollywood giving it the Oscar.

  6. The end of the movie didnt make any sense.

    The police would find the body of the housekeeper, and if he waited so long so the police leave the house, the body would decompose and the smell would catch the police atention.

  7. How can a movie that celebrate a lazy father which lead his family to make a fraud and eventually became a serial killer is given the honor of an oscar?

    Only because of "wokeness"

  8. This movie won only because of the subject of the movie (war of economic classes).

    This is woke hollywood

  9. It takes away the win when they are like diversity this and diversity that…. It makes it sound like they won because of diversity……

  10. 최고 작품상에 불꺼버리는 센스 ^^*
    톰행크스와 업을 외친 많은 배우들에게 ~
    박수를 보냅니다
    철저히 작품으로만 승부되는 아카데미가 되길
    아카데미 회원 만세!!
    기생충 만세!!!
    봉준호 감독님 만만세!!!

  11. Didn't there used to be a separate category for Foreign Film? I don't think that's a bad idea. I'm sure this film is great, but it seems like it should be in a separate category. Please hold the "racist" politically correct babble…I think it should have won in a category "Best Foreign Film." And I like foreign films, much of the time more than films made in the U.S.

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