排名最佳Nintendo Switch遊戲!

今天,我決定對Nintendo Switch遊戲的排名從S排名到F排名。有很多Switch遊戲,還有很多新的Switch遊戲,但是哪些遊戲值得購買,又應該避免哪些遊戲?讓我們在此列表中查找!

推特:@ ShawnLong85

#NintendoSwitch #SwitchGames #BestSwitchGames。

  1. Everyone being hurted by Fire emblem three houses, but for your fans out there: what is it that this Game makes you Play it? I mean from the trailer it doesnt sounds amazing that you need at one part at a school and teach someone something and then suddenly it Shows some scenes where you attack the enemies in an hack and Slash art – Style ? i dont get the connection there and also dont understand the fun about it.

  2. Breath of the wild should be higher! 😉 I've just finished the game + dlc, 200+ hours and it is a masterpiece!!!! And I started Odyssey, it seems to be fun!

  3. IM SOOO MAD SPLATOON 2 NEEDS TO BE IN S++++++++++++ come on man I』m a competitive splatoon player but I』m not being biased or anything but graphics are amazing it』s super fun it』s extreamly well balanced for players and there are soo many modes like turf war ranked battle octo valley octo exspansion and salmon run like I know a is amazing but it should be s

  4. Personally I don't agree with Marvel Alliances 3 could be ranked on A class. Poor Graphics , hard moves and ugly charaters as well. I wouldn't never pick up this game if i wasn't a big fan of them.

  5. I've never seen one of these YouTube guys tell the truth about Nintendo switch games. It's only worth it for zelda Mario and a few oldskool slash remakes . So 4get all this talk if you buying a switch. It's quite crap 2 be honest I have all the triple a and more old skool games what a joke. And apparently the thing everyone waiting for is an n64 emulator hahahaha what a joke Nintendo.

  6. One of the best review videos I have seen. I like it that while you tell your opinion about the game you show video clips about the game?

  7. The switch games I like are either vita ports (root letter… death mark… disagaea… ys8… etc) or games that were supposed to be on vita (valfaris.. bloodstained… raging loop…). In the Nintendo exclusive pool: Fire emblem, Mario+Rabbids, Astral Chain. Link's Awakening is childish but cute. I guess I am not a big nintendo guy…

  8. But that's kirby its ment to be low difficulty kirby is something you go back and play when another game pisses you off because it's cute and easy

  9. Hey guys what is a good RPG or a game with a fun adventure that you can keep doing more stuff.(I already have Zelda,Odyssey,Splatoon 2,Captain Toad,and of course Super Smash Bros.)

  10. I liked the video, and I』m not trying to hate because I love ur channel but personally I think super Mario bro』s u deluxe should be an A or S ranked game because in my opinion it is an overall great game. P.S no hate included.

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