8.3最佳的Mythic +治療師?頂級類和規格|方法

隨著8.3快速接近,我們將了解Mythic +中治療師的所有最佳規格和類別,以了解在新補丁中將主導電錶的因素。


Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/
Wowhead https://www.method.gg/wowhead
NordVPN https://www.method.gg/nordvpn

JB的VO https://www.method.gg/player/jdotb


  1. Most of Method's videos are relevant to world first type content. Their opinions rarely reflect the general playerbase and your everyday player. There are plenty of priests and shaman clearing 10's and above, and there are just as many druids/monks/paladins that can't heal a +5. It's all in the player and the group they're in. So, play what you love and enjoy, and it'll work for you better than clinging to a class/spec you hate based on a ranking video that has nothing to do with your own level of content. (It just sucks that people watch these videos and take them as gospel, and refuse to take a 'bottom tier' labeled class because they saw it in a Method ranking video, instead of forming their own opinion.)

  2. I have to say, having done mythic+ with druid, monk and pala that i personally would choose holy paladin for nearly every encounter! They have ridiculous burst healing that is single target and group healing while being instant cast! They are insanely good and imo the go to healer for mythic+

  3. I play Holy Priest and it's typical of Blizzard. They will focus to get some class top notch for that expansion then the next one that class won't be as good. Wish they can just balance them equally so like that ppl who focus on their class don't have to feel the pressure to set their toon aside and keep creating all the classes in the world in order to play. Plus let's put it this way, Blizzard makes it difficult to level multiple toons with all the current content. Great job Blizz. lol

  4. Tbh… can t priest get a battle rez, shackle on all target not only undead that works as a interrupt and silence as baseline. Movement speed buff and extra buff to caster damage similar to presence of mind. All the other hybrid meme specs from vanilla where good overall but shit in heal output.. they got their healing buff and some ability improved… and priest got sidelined no improve in utility since wrath but a higher demand for healer to do more than heal.

  5. Yeah sure, trust a guild that spit in their fans' faces by being the most unprofessional I've ever seen guild in a world first race, taking breaks on top of breaks to a degree that is uncommon even for Method. Oh, and you idiots said that Spriests would be stacked on like 4-6 bosses in Ny'alotha, and stuck to that even after the Spriest nerf announcement. X to doubt until your guild unfucks itself.

  6. It's just insane to destroy the meta with these, videos!!! Its a good informations, but plz… Now all people will play like that!!! Stop this, now priest is trashtier!!!

  7. Monk defensives should be 5/5 it』s so easy to dodge though everything, every circle circle is just 1 button and your out.

  8. I cannot believe how shitty Priest utility is in comparison to the other classes. Priest is supposed to be THE healer… Just so sad!

  9. I understand why disc is low. Utility sucks. Survivability is eh, BUT I have found some great tools to help with grievous and tank healjng (bursting is still a problem) . Vitality conduit is a low cooldown essence, and I often use this to helps with tank healing and grievous. Yes it takes health from allies but I can almost put attonement on 1 Target with vitality conduit and forget about them for a while. Sometimes the tank needs a little love with this essence, but it makes disc a little higher on the totem pole. I think disc and resto sham should be about the same as far as rankings go (even though you had them close I think they are closer than what your opinion ranks them.) I 100% agree MW will probably take the throne.

  10. I really can't understand this rating. It looks like you give the healer which you already have in your mindset as "best 3 heals" much more Rankings for much less effort.
    If you count the bear Form of a druid, count the wulf Form of the shaman too. Thats 20% damage reduction if you know when to shapeshift.
    You forgot the self CD of the resto shaman with 20% damage reduction too.
    You forgot the earthwall Totem with big damage mitigation for the whole group.
    You forgot the tremor totem, offensive purge, root totem, slow Totem. Sorry but it really looks like you don't know the abbilities of the classes you are talking about. Shaman has far the most utility of All healers. It seems like you didn't hear of cloudburst Totem too, which Providers massive heal if you prepare it right.
    All in all you could have easily given 2 more point for throughput (8/10), 1 more for defensive(4/5), 3 more for utility(5/5), damage realy lacks on AoE damage. So 19 points in Overall. Underrating ratings like this are the reason shamans struggle to get invited to any Key.

  11. balancing disc is stupidly easy, just tune Sins of the Many to vary much more greatly(ie. damage increase now from 25% to 0% depending on how many atonements you put out there). wala problem solved and blz can stop thinking disc are doing too much dps and hps in raid at the same time while the spec is trashed in m+

  12. Could you all please make a video or is there a video on the use of specific healing utilities like a video on using ring of peace for example in the different dungeons/affixes? Also could you all make a video about how each healer class can max damage in mythic + dungeons and what damage numbers for each class would be a good goal?

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