將iOS 13.3降級到iOS 13.2.3以進行越獄-Windows或Mac(越獄iOS 13準備)

iOS 13.3通過Unc0ver降級到13.2.3教程到iOS 13通過iPhone XS-iPhone 11更新。 Windows和Mac下載鏈接這裡:https://besttechinfo.com/downgrade-ios-13.3-jailbreak/?

是否需要還原到在iOS 13.3上創建的備份,但是收到錯誤消息?請按照以下步驟在較舊的固件上還原較新的備份:

從iOS 13.3降級到iOS 13.2.3,以便可以在A12-A13上越獄iOS 13!蘋果於2019年12月10日發布了iOS 13.3。為此,該公司修復了iOS 13.2.3和更早版本中存在的兩個非常關鍵的內核漏洞。可以利用上述漏洞,進而導致所有設備(包括A12和A13)的iOS 13越獄。這意味著可以支持iPhone XS / XR和iPhone 11系列!雖然checkra1n已經可以越獄A13及更低版本的iOS 13.3,但這將有所不同。有關iOS 13.3的安全補丁的完整詳細信息,請點擊此處:

為確保越獄iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone XS,iPhone XR,iPhone XS Max或iPad Pro的最佳機會,請儘快將13.3降級為13.2.3! A11(iPhone X)和較老的用戶也應避免使用iOS 13.3。由於今天的新聞,我們將獲得適用於iOS 13.2.3和更低版本的半捆綁iOS 13越獄。

為了降級iOS 13.3,您必須快速。本教程非常耗時。一旦蘋果停止簽署iOS 13.2.3,將不再可能降級!所有上述iOS 13降級信息,以及更多信息(包括下載信息),都可以在上面的第一個鏈接上找到。

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越獄內容— — — —–

▶︎iOS 13.3和13.2.3內核漏洞信息:

▶︎如何越獄iOS 13.3-A11:

▶︎iOS 13最佳越獄調整:


▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:

— — — — —有用材料的結尾— — — — —

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. How does one downgrade without being forced to upgrade? I recently downgraded to 13.3.1 to 13.3 and after restoring my backup I come to a screen which I can't bypass, and only gives me the option to update to 13.3.1, essentially making the downgrade pointless. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Everyone says it'll be forever before we get an A13 jailbreak and days after I upgrade to 13.3.1 yall wanna say don't upgrade because there's a jailbreak coming just my luck…

  3. iCrackUriDevice couple things mate
    1: what』ll the next Lotto numbers be
    2: Who built the pyramids
    3: I』ve lost my PayPal P/W what』ll I do
    ??‍♂️ Honestly a lot of this generation feel like they Should have a JB whenever it suits them, no donations to keep Devs incentives up No random thanks to Devs UNTIL they give a JB , send a nice Tweet W/O asking when eta when , What , How…..? give a little incentive (FYI they don』t ask for a cent) & the work they put in is mind boggling & their just normal people they have stuff going on in their lives, it』s like asking U questions when YOU! are back from college/work/Whatever you』re tired you』ve not got time to answer crazy questions AND work on a FREE jailbreak you』re giving away!! some younger people should go into college or something do coding and be the next person to make a JB but it』s all When can I get , When ETA & all manner of sometimes ridiculous questions that you could get an answer if you asked any search engine !!! I call it the Expectant Generation

  4. I appreciate ALL Dev』s working For FREE on their own dime, , on their own time ! to give US free access to Jailbreaks , just wished I』d have just got an iPhone X , But I got a frikin iPhone 11 (13 chip)?? Still patience is needed, I』ve been jailbreaking iPhone』s since iOS 3.1.3 (?) & waiting is part & parcel of how it works I』ve always had each iOS jailbroke FOR FREE!! so hats off to them all ??????????

  5. I already downloaded the iPSW 13.1.2 when it was signing by Apple And saved it in my desktop can I still downgrade from ios 13.3?
    Thank you for your video it's fantastic. Please let me know if I can❤️

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