N’zoth入侵大結局過場動畫-Ra-Den的犧牲 [8.3 WoW BFA: Visions of N'zoth]

拉丹的犧牲過場動畫。在8.3版中,N’zoth使用恐怖幻象之門派出了他的部隊來攻擊心臟大殿。 Magni&Wrathion努力將他們擊退,因此Ra-Den犧牲自己來降低門戶。直到他終於下了椅子。

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鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = xg_5HARaNbE

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鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mfL7LTZ3Voc

鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = yEigiBwT-nM
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《魔獸世界》中的Azeroth OST之戰。


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  1. Just wanted to see the trailer of the patch and I stumbled upon the spoily tittle. Not gonna atack anybody but if you could please put a big spoiler label on the title it would be apprecciatted

  2. Man your videos have been super useful. I've stopped playing ever since Cataclysm came out but I've been keeping an eye out for the lore and your videos have been of a great help learning what's going on in the expansions.

    Quality videos and always uploaded very fast, you deserve more subs and views my friend, thank you!

  3. Teared up the moment Ra-Den showed up, since we knew his fate beforehand. Really love these Wrathion and Magni's interaction since they both share the same goal but have different opinions on how to.

  4. Hiya Folks! Cutscene @ 1:42 if you wanna skip the lore tidbits. This is the somewhat finale for the Black Empire Campaign (till the raid I guess).
    What a shame to lose Ra-Den. And just when he got off his chair too.
    What a long, strange, bizarre adventure its been. 10/10 Patch could use more tentacles.

    Coffee ain』t cutting it anymore folks. Need more mana buns.

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