
在2020年奧斯卡最佳影片獎中找出誰帶回了金牌! 。

  1. Parasite didn』t show in the uk at least not in the southwest this really pissed me off I was routing for 1917 best new film in years and it got snubbed for the two main categories. Oscars just enrage me, I hope parasite is a good movie too bad il have to watch it on a small screen.

  2. Im not an asian. But have been watching Korean films for a really long time and it was time to recognize the talent and the stories! Im so joyous that this movie took the award. I was so upset they took the International film award (not because I didnt want them to win) I thought that because they gave them this award they would not get best picture (you know because its the oscars and this rarely happens) I was so so so wrong and this is the first time I agree with the academy. Parasite deserved it. Heres to many more beautiful stories from around the world! ??

  3. This makes me be sure that the only reason Mexican film Roma didnt win for Best Picture was because it was a Netflix film, the Academy doesnt like Netflix

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