
上周,電影藝術與科學學院宣布了今年奧斯卡金像獎的提名。與往常一樣,有些選擇令人質疑,在九部最佳影片中確實如此:1917年,福特v法拉利,愛爾蘭人,喬喬·兔子,小丑,小女人,婚姻故事,黃飛鴻。 ..好萊塢和寄生蟲。當然,這是一個有趣的組合,我實際上很喜歡其中的大多數。我已經在此頻道上評論了其中兩個,但是我再也無法談論其他任何一個。


Twitter / IG:@alecjkm


感謝Aaron Belinfanti的前奏和外奏鼓! 。

  1. i relate to ur political journey so much, for much of my life as a teenager i spent a lot of time going to the right wing rabbit hole but was lucky enough to get out so jojo rabbit was quite personal for me aswell

  2. Haven't seen all of the movies here, but ranking seems correct and Parasite was really great! I'll be very shocked, if Hollywood actually gives Parasite a win

    You sir, deserve a sub 😉

    Edit: Well, what do you know, Parasite actually won 4 Oscars, including the Best Picture!

  3. Wow, similar lists! I think mine would be:

    9. Joker (although it was kinda funny to see it w friends who didn't know shit about comics & having to explain to them why it kept cutting to this Bruce Wayne kid – and that American Hustle comparison was on point lol)

    8. F v F/Le Mans 66

    7. 1917

    6. Marriage Story

    5. The Irishman

    4. OUATIH

    3. Little Women (I'm curious which part u cried at, as I cried at several films on this list, but not this one?)

    2. Jojo Rabbit (Went into it expecting to laugh, came out emotionally distraught lmao. Highlights: the scene where Cap K takes Jojo's jacket & the Rilke quote at the end. ALSO THE PINK TRIANGLES ON CAP K AND FINKEL'S BATTLE OUTFITS. My favourite picture of the year.)

    1. Parasite (Objectively the best picture of the year. Just… duh. Highlights: EVERYTHING but esp the impeccable pacing & Kang-Ho Song and Park So-dam's performances. Also the peach montage & the shot of Park on top of the toilet smoking during the flood!)

  4. THANK YOU! I've heard so many people praising 1917 and saying it's a shoe-in for Best Picture but there's just not a ton of substance behind the technical mastery and at the end of the day to me it just felt like a cinematic brag more than anything else.

  5. I agree completely with your take on 1917. Hell, it even got a nomination for Best original Screenplay! WTH!!! It doesnt have any character development (and probably the film never intended to have, just like Dunkirk), so why the hell did it get a nomination in that category? It's messy and nothing but pure gimmickry. Birdman was way better than this garbage. 1917 is purely a gimmick. Sam Mendes should not have gotten a nomination either.

  6. I wish for PARASITE to take home the award, but, I know Hollywood love Hollywood so much that they would not let a foreign film win the biggest award. The winner would be 1917 I guess.

  7. My ranking would be
    1. Parasite
    2. 1917
    3. Jojo Rabbit
    4. Marriage Story
    5. Ford v Ferrari
    6. The Irishman
    7. Little Women
    8. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    9. Joker
    I would be perfectly happy with any of my top four winning (still giving the edge to Parasite though), wouldn't be overly disappointed if it was any of the next four, and I'm currently bracing myself for the worst in case Joker wins.

  8. Personally I thought the one-take style of 1917 was far more justified and less gimmicky than in Birdman. The whole point of a one-take shot is to truly immerse the viewer into an inescapable vantage point of whatever's happening and allowing the tension of not knowing what will happen and being unable to look away to build with each minute. Doing this in a war setting, particularly WWI, I think is far more interesting and justified than in a theater, where the highest stakes are a light fixture falling on someone's head.

  9. Great look at an obfuscated award that has an outsized affect on the industry as a whole. Some thoughts:

    1917 really worked for me, despite the poorly hidden cuts. To me, and I think you touched on this a little, the effect really paid off during the actual long takes to create visceral scenes and really put you in the environment and let you experience the happenings in a way traditional cinematography wouldn't. Mendes has said he was inspired by video games (stuff like Red Dead Redemption I assume) and I think the perspective was really well used thanks to Deakins' instincts for blocking and tempo. Another critic described it as almost horror like, in that the character doesn't want to see whats around the corner but has to and we're along for the ride in a real way. Much like the memorable moments in Children of Men, the one take style paid dividends in quite a few sequences for me and I didn't mind the obvious cuts (bad CGI in the bridge dive aside). And that night scene with the flares, just wow.

    Little Women was so much better than I expected, and that's my fault for not having more faith in Gerwig and Ronan (and the rest of the amazing cast). I loved the editing and direction, and especially the fleshed out and modernized but still completely believable characters. It would be easy for a less talented screenwriter to make them feel like modern women but anachronistic to the setting, but Gerwig is supremely talented and her snub for director is the most glaring of the year I think.

    Marriage Story was a grueling but ultimately endearing story full of warmth, and by the end I just felt so bad for both of them for the process they had both unwillingly subjected the other to. It was a big story in setting and their careers, but stayed small and intimate and that focus is what made me really buy into them. The scene with Driver singing in the restaurant was a powerhouse for me, and probably my favorite moment he's had in any film thus far.

    Side note, we saw Weathering With You last night, our first non-Miyazaki anime film. I thought it was very sweet and I really bought into the connection of the characters thanks to their shared circumstances and struggles, which really made the whole film for me. I mention this because your urging people to see more foreign films definitely left an impression on me and I'm happy to be branching out more.

    Parasite should absolutely win but I suspect it will be 1917 as well, with Hollywood being my surprise pick.

  10. my guess of your ranking:
    1) parasite
    2) marriage story
    3) little women
    4) jojo rabbit
    5) once upon a time
    6) the irishman
    7) 1917
    8) ford v ferrari
    9) joker

    1) parasite

    2) jojo rabbit
    3) little women

    4) ford v ferrari

    5) 1917

    6) the irishman

    7) joker
    8) once upon a time

    9) marriage story, will be watching in the next 3 weeks

  11. I am kind of mad The Lighthouse and The Farewell were snubbed this award season even though I haven't actually watched the latter. Out of the ones that were actually nominated, I enjoyed 1917 in terms of cinematography and Richard Madden was really good but by no means did I love the movie. Ford v Ferrari was nostalgia for my sentimental F1 loving ass, Joker only stands out for Phoenix's performance, Marriage Story ripped me apart but I still think there was a little too much preaching for the women's side of the tale (Literally Laura Dern and Scarlett Johansen's characters both made me really cringe because well-intentioned they might have been written but there was something so pathetic about how desperately they kept blaming men over and over for their own life and I just hate all the pettiness) but the performances were great, OUATIH for me was an enjoyable experience but it was a little bit of a drag and too self-indulgent to be placed in this category and Parasite was paradise, my favorite movie going experience this year. While I have not actually watched Little Women, I am already biased against it because of all the versions I have already watched and have a favorite (Maya Hawke one) and after reading the screenplay, I decided not to watch it as I fundamentally disagreed with the changes Greta proposed. I haven't quite finished the Irishman yet but after having watched an hour of it, I decided I didn't mind the de-aging and found the story quite interesting and engaging. I am planning on finishing it soon, so I will reserve my thoughts on it until I do. The only one I haven't had any interaction with is Jojo Rabbit and I am really curious to watch it after your review.

  12. My ranking is:
    Jojo Rabbit
    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    Marriage Story

    This list is from worst to best….

    just kidding! I also need to see the other 3 missing films

  13. Alright, so based on what you said, here's what I think.
    9. Joker
    8. Ford v Ferrari
    7. 1917
    6. The Irishman
    5. Marriage Story
    4. Jojo Rabbit
    3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
    2. Little Women
    1. Parasite

    edit: agh! I was really off on Jojo Rabbit! One of my favourites as well!

    edit 2.0: The only other person who attempted a list had the same thing ahahah! I guess that proves that this is what your ranking "sounded" like.

  14. Didn』t care as much for JoJo. Found the humor somewhat predictable and not that funny and the sentimental ending not quite earned. And definitely replace Joker with Uncut Gems.

  15. Here』s the only correct Joker take… it isn』t the worst movie of all time, it isn』t the best movie of all time. It』s just… a movie.

  16. I saw your video of Parasite and I immediately subscribed. I love the gestures that you make and the passion that you put in the videos. They are amazing! Hope to see more from you in the future.

  17. I』m rooting for Parasite but I』m now curious to watch Jojo Rabbit 🙂

    The first video of yours that I』ve watched is the Parasite review. I think you』ve created great content and wish you all the best in your suceeding uploads.

  18. Completely agree about 1917. I was watching Band of Brothers a couple of days ago—the Battle of the Bulge episode—and I was more immersed and moved not despite all of the cutting, but because of it.

  19. As someone who was a part of that forbidden internet world for a good chunk of childhood, I was fascinated by your parallel on Jojo on that.
    I definitely plan on watching all nominations before the big day.
    and I pray to jebuz every night that the academy will make the right choice and let parasite take it all.
    A man can dream huh

  20. I almost completely agree with you , besides on "little women" that I would put under "Once Upon…" in the ranking . Also I would prefer to see "Cats" at the oscars instead of Joker

  21. my guess for your list:
    1. Parasite
    2. Little Women
    3. Once Upon a Time in Hollywoo
    4. Jojo Rabbit
    5. Marriage Story
    6. The Irishman
    7. 1917
    8. Ford vs Shelby
    9. Joker

    Have not seen the majority of films on this list, although I'll probably check out Little Women as soon as I can.

    You do really good work so please keep it up!

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