


?音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = p1ikjYTL_Ik

ro Outro:Unity-TheFatRat(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)



  1. They should have done something more for the new starting zone. Like have these dks rise and fail at defending Icecrown while Bolvar is trying to prevent Sylvanas to enter the place. idk.

  2. That's it?!
    I remember how i used to make a fresh dk JUST to do the starting quests. Crafting the sword, hiding in a cart, controlling a huge frost wyrm!
    My thoughts goes out to all the DK dedicated ♡

  3. Illidan was approaching Frozen Throne.
    Old Lich King: Come back to me! Obey!
    (Put migraine on Arthas)
    Arthas: ARGH! Yes master!

    Sylvanas entered the Frozen Throne
    Bolvar: Champions, come back to me! Obey!
    Death knights: did anyone feel any tickles?
    Bolvar: please? Oh bugger…
    (Rising weak minions)

  4. Your sponsor is your own twitch channel? That』s the dumbest plug I』ve ever heard lol. How much do you pay yourself? Hope you negotiated a good deal with yourself

  5. I know everybody here is whining over how bad the new starting zone is. When you think about it the old starting zone was great for the first dk char not the 50th alt who just wants to rush out and play already than having to grind through amazing story and narratives.

  6. The starting zone timeline is a bit wacked. You start with Bolvar as the new Litch king but you are thrown back to Arthas' time due to level. They could have done something more than just give you a weapon and then tell you to sod off. Why not make it an epic time travelling story to explain why you start in the present but go to the past via the death gate.

  7. I heard the new DKs had a new storyline too, so I made a new dk, loved the starting zone but immediately disappointed that was all it was…..not any storyline at all, just spawn, talk to 2 NPCs go through the death gate and…….just do normal Qs…..excited for nothing lol but I do like we can use any race now to become a DK….but soon as I realised there was nothing after you get to Org or Stormwind I deleted the DK

  8. Vulpera Death Knight: "So, how'd you die Shadowpands?
    Shadowpands: "During the Alliance-Horde War I defended my village from a mogu incursion. As the buildings burned and the innocents escaped, I stayed and slew our attackers until I could no more. The last mogu warrior left alive skewered my tired body from behind like a coward and ran away. I died alone, yet satisfied. For I made my enemies bleed like they never had before."
    Vulpera Death Knight: "Wow! That's so badass! No wonder the Lich King chose you!"
    Months Earlier, in the depths of Krasarang
    Death Knight 1: "So did you find any worthy dead to serve the Lich King?"
    Death Knight 2: "Well, I tried searching all the known battlefields but it looks like most of the corpses either rotted away completely or have been buried, and their loved ones don't really like the idea of us resurrecting them, so no.
    Death Knight 1: "Yeah me neither, I tried going to the faction bases in the area but they said they'd moved the corpses back to their homelands years ago."
    Death Knight 2: "Crap! What're we gonna do? We can't go back empty handed! That'd be humiliating!"
    Another death knight comes up, dragging an outhouse by a chain.
    Death Knight 3: "Hey guys! I found one! One of the villagers at Zhu's Watch told me a story about a village that fell near Thunder Cleft before the factions landed. I thought it was worth investigating so I tracked it down. There wasn't much left, but I did find this outhouse, and guess what was inside!"
    DK 3 opens the outhouse up and the other two death knights cringe as they see a semi-rotten pandaren corpse sprawled on the inside. He wore lightly plated armor and had a one-handed sword strapped to his belt, which also kept his cloth pants from falling off his waist after years of corrosion. DK 3 lifted the long-dead pandaren out of hsi resting place to more formally present his prize.
    Death Knight 2: "God he stinks. How'd he die?"
    Death Knight 3: "Well I did some investigating and found out the village was raided by the mogu during the war here, and most of the guards present died so the other villagers could escape. This guy here though," DK 3 shook the corpse, "didn't. His name was Shadou, and he was a known coward. The only reason he was on the guard was because he couldn't do anything else and the mayor thought he would make a great meat shield. He failed at that too, apparently. When the mogu band attacked, he seemed to have hid in this outhouse and suffered a heart attack, probably fearing what the mogu would do to him once he was discovered. The mogu were eventually routed from the area by the Alliance when they moved into the east coast of the Wilds, but no one ever came back to resettle, sop his body went undiscovered. The only reason he hasn't dissolved completely is because of this outhouse, it preserved him, kind of like a fruit in a cask."
    Death Knight 1: "Great, we search the entire coast and the only available corpse is that of a cowardly town guard."
    DK 2 examined the corpse of Shadou, squeezing his mottled muscles.
    Death Knight 2: "Hmmm, in spite of being a coward he WAS physically fit. With some training he could be a force to be reckoned with."
    Death Knight 3: "Yeah! And the Lich King could probably use his power to strip him of that cowardliness!"
    Death Knight 1: "Fine, whatever. At least we won't be the only search party that didn't bring a corpse back."
    Later, we see the Lich King looking upon the departing Shadowpands.
    Lich King, inwardly: "He must never know."

  9. Wait…

    Isn't the Lich King, and his servants, supposed to act like…y'know…evil assholes?

    Why are they…being kind?

  10. They really should have just made this a secondary option for those that want to skip the OG starting zone. Could have had the allied races go through the normal zone as some sort of Chromie mind-vision journey to understand the foundations of their order and why the death knights are helping the living. Just throw in a Chromie quest dialogue before and after the OG starting zone and its pretty much finished, would take about as much effort as the version above did.

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