Windows Jailbreak iOS 13更新:此ISN' Ra1nstorm不是Checkra1n!

Ra1nStorm不是CheckRa1n Windows iOS 13越獄! iOS 13的Windows越獄即將以Checkra1n的形式出現,但這不是! Windows Status Checker此處:?

Windows Jailbreak iOS 13更新! Ra1nstorm是一個聰明的工具,可以幫助(非常)高級用戶在沒有物理Mac的情況下越獄iOS 13。最重要的是,它實際上仍然需要macOS,它可以幫助您進行非常高級的設置,包括創建linux環境,然後在上述環境中安裝macOS VM,最後重新映射USB IOMMU。

Windows越獄iOS 13工具以checkra1n的形式出現,我建議您只是保持耐心。即將推出的Windows Checkrain實用程序將能夠越獄iOS 13.2.3,iOS 13.3及更低版本!如果您真的想使用ra1nstorm在Windows上設置macOS環境,請使用以下鏈接(但請注意,這非常繁瑣且需要時間…此外您可能會遇到其他問題): -幫手

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越獄保護範圍— — — — —

▶︎如何越獄iOS 13.2.3:

▶︎iOS 13最佳越獄調整:


▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:

▶︎首次越獄iOS 13教程:

▶︎Windows上越獄iOS 13?

— — — — —有用材料的結尾— — — — —

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. If you have a hp or asus i』d recommend trying this cause it really works. if you』d like proof just lmk. i』d be willing to help anyone that needs it.

  2. I'm on 12.4 on my Iphone 10 and jailbroken with Unc0ver, but i keep running into a problem with unc0ver being revoked and not downloading. Should I update to the latest version of ios and use checkra1n?

  3. The entire thing sounds absolutely stupid when I saw this on YouTube. You have to go through 2 OSes just to jailbreak. If you have to install an OS anyway, it's not even for Windows anymore. That guy on Github has no idea what he's doing.

  4. Ra1nstorm made it easy to achieve jailbreak on Windows. The process is simple, a little lengthy though involving mac os catalania download and qemu setup. It works fine though.

  5. Yo can anyone help me out / fill me in? I』m on a A12 Xs Max Firmware 12.4 I was jailbroken with Unc0ver for a long time… my phone died a few days ago and I clicked on Unc0ver told me to verify so I tried and nothin happened when I clicked verify… uninstalled unc0ver and now every time I try downloading Unc0ver it only goes 3/4 and then turns grey…. I can』t find any solution

  6. Can someone help, I』m stuck on iOS 12.4 jailbreak but I deleted uncover and now I can』t reinstall any third party apps like uncover, I cant update via iTunes because it freezes at the backup, I just want to update please help

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