
索尼的PS5終於發布了有關新遊戲機的最新設計漏洞,該遊戲機將與微軟的Xbox X系列(又名xbox 2,又名Scarlett)抗衡。 Cover的新專利泄漏,設計,技術規格,獨家產品,遊戲等。

您需要了解有關即將於2020年發布的索尼最新Playstation主機PS5的所有信息。當然是正確的名稱,與xbox x系列相比,但這是另一個故事!您會看到所有最新的專利設計,視頻遊戲獨有的內容,這些內容只會在Playstation網路上出現。您會看到那裡有什麼新設計,包括與Gameboy競爭的新設計!專利泄漏,包括vr在內的最新設計以及對ps6可能意味著什麼! 。

  1. Sony has lost me seeing no backwards compatibility………my house is turning into a console museum…… scarlet for me… has lost me

  2. I'll tell you this right now there is a lot more money to be made with two consoles than one a lot of people own both some people own a computer and Xbox and a PlayStation so there be a lot of stupid people out there missing out on a lot of money if they merge all the companies into 1 not to mention I think they call that a monopoly at which point they can charge us $15,000 for the next console and there be nobody else around to saying that sound unreasonable we're going to charge less and force them down

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