小米Mi Mix 3 5G評測|負擔得起的替代方案?

在全職使用一周後,回顧了2019年最實惠的5G智能手機小米Mi Mix 3 5G。

最初的Mi Mix 3的升級版仍然具有高級規格,配備了功能齊全的雙鏡頭相機和全視角顯示屏,這歸功於滑動設計。與OnePlus 7 Pro和Galaxy S10 5G相比,它在英國的無SIM卡僅售499英鎊,是目前最便宜的選擇,儘管該下一代合同並不完全便宜。

我已經將這款手機作為自己的日常驅動程序使用了一周,雖然我喜歡出色的性能,可靠的電池壽命和華麗的三星AMOLED屏幕,但該軟體可能會令人不快。小米的MiUI仍然有些混亂,儘管它為Mi Mix 3添加了一些有價值的功能,例如專用的單手模式。儘管相機技術非常適合日常拍攝,但您可以在那裡找到更靈活,功能更強大的智能手機快照器。

一樣,如果您的預算無法擴展到OnePlus或Samsung替代產品,則小米Mi Mix 3 5G是一個強大且價格合理的選擇。



  1. You get much hardware for the price. But this phone lacks updates unfortunately. Latest update came january (2020) and the phone is still on Android 9 (Pie) and MIUI 10. Really sad.

  2. I don't think I want to buy another flag ship from a big brand – coming from a Note 9 here. Considering the Remdi Note 8 Pro for only 200 smackers but I really want a 5G phone. Not a fan of MiUI removing the app draw. Also considering OnePlus phones.

  3. I'm thinking about trying one I've had one plus is now for a while and I love them and I don't plan to get rid of them but I would like to try something different I've never had a xiaomi phione I'd like to try it. But saying that I'm still going to get a OnePlus 8

  4. Ragazzi ma una custodia che vada bene per questo telefono dove la trovo? Ne ho viste al max 3-4 tipi su AliExpress o su Amazon con spedizione dalla Cina,ma poca roba davvero?

  5. I recommend people to watch over for "Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro" or if it will be 10T Pro* I guess it will have 5G as well.
    But with pop up camera as in "Mi 9T Pro" without a camera in the display.
    Well that's the one I am holding out for.

  6. The phone can be imported from China very easy and the price is less than 230 GBP… Non 5G version has notification LED. Does the 5G version has notification LED too ?

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