為什麼iOS 13笨拙(以及如何在iOS 14中修復它)




訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/vectorshow?sub_confirmation = 1


David Shayer在iOS 13上的錯誤:https://tidbits.com/2019/10/21/six-reasons-why-ios-13-and-catalina-are-so-buggy/

Josh Shaffer進行單元測試(Sundell撰寫的Swift):https://www.swiftbysundell.com/podcast/59/

菲爾·席勒(Phil Schiller)的bug(The Talk Show Live):https://daringfireball.net/thetalkshow/2015/06/09/ep-123


喬納森·德意志(Jonathan Deutsch)的bug(Debug):https://www.imore.com/bugs-damn-bugs-and-fixes



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  1. I hope they the fix the laggy animations that iOS 13.3 brought to the table. I wish I just could roll back to iOS 13.2 that was really fast. Everything stuttery and chunky. Turn of swapping from memory and fix those animations.

  2. Ipad 10.5 pro no longer able to open pdf in mail app…used to work. Just get popup window with options but also lost copy to books….but its all normal in iphone xr. Both with latest ios…what gives?

  3. 1. Spotlight search doesn』t work
    2. external keyboard is not detected smoothly…
    3. Cursor stuck while moving it and selecting a word… sometimes it jumps to front of the sentence…

  4. iOS 13.2 is still very buggy on iPhone 6S even using Apple apps. For me this is the worst iOS release ever. It's been very clear for some time now that management or structure have changed to the detriment of software quality.

  5. My iPhone X lies bricked black screen with apple logo by iOS 13.2.1 software update. Second Genius Bar visit in less than a month for the same issue scheduled for Thursday.. after updating to iOS 13.2.1 Siri on HomePod won』t carry out basic commands replying that this is taking just a little too long or hmmm I haven』t heard back. She refuses to play the vinyl Jazz station on iheart radio when verbally requested to do so and can no longer turn volume up or down even after a hard reset of the smart speaker in the home app. Airplay is kind of messed up too. You can no longer control the volume or playback feature in the control center from your iOS device be it iPhone or iPad. .iOS 13 is turning out to be a tech nightmare. iOS 13 was not ready for launch making for a very bad user experience.

  6. Hey Rene,
    I used to watch your videos regulary. I am not subbed but youtube recommeded your videos anyway. Sadly, this quitly stopped. If your numbers were lowered in the recent past, thats a reason for it :/

  7. What do you guys recommend I do if I find a really annoying bug in one of Apple's products that grates at me but might not necessarily be a big ticket item? What's the best reporting process to use? I believe I did sign up for Apple's Developer program, but I'm not really a developer, I just want the stupid bug fixed! lol

  8. I think iOS 13 is one of the best updates we have ever seen.. This is the best compromise between features and performance (60% smaller updates and x2 speed is even better of what we had in iOS 12).
    I don』t see iOS 13 as buggy as you say… The same stands for Catalina… And many others in this comment section say the same. So WWDC and the way they develop should not change at all. I think they are already working on developing the OS redesign and it will still have bugs…
    Look things from another perspective… Experiencing some bugs is completely normal… Which app does not have bugs?? We』re talking about entire operative systems that need to pack a very very high amount of features to satisfy costumers.

    Even iOS 11 was ALWAYS BETTER THAN ANDROID ?????

  9. iOS 12 WAS NOT rock solid. It seems so in comparison with ios 13. I』m still on ios 12 and i do see bugs that where not there in ios 11. The truth is managmenet approach of tim cook turns apple into microsoft and google. That is, crap delivered on time…
    1. There』s ton of things still bad in iOS 12. The sad truth is nobody would fix those. The only answer is upgrade to iOS 13 and get a full bag of new bugs…
    2. Where』s that 90-00 phrase 『when it』s done』? From games to software it was a mantra of shipping a finished and polished product. Management (as an approach) ruined all that. Where are true artists (in a broad term)?
    3. Thank you for this episode and suggestions. I』m not sure 『vote for Rene to manage apple』s software division』 is the best idea but you』ve got several great points and I really hope apple would at least listen.

  10. I guess I am just lucky –
    even the betas of 13 were pretty good for me.

    Also can you please get LED lights that don』t flicker on camera? It』s pretty distracting.

  11. Been using iOS 13 from day one Beta and not been so bad for me….. I think its funny how commentators like yourself seem to think you know better than all the engineers and developers…. Funny AF

  12. I think you are thinking you know what your talking about and all you are really saying is bs. It is great that they update to fix and to add Android doesn』t do it enough. I have all three new systems( watch, computer and phone) and am very happy with all three. I want to refrain from name calling. It just your opinion and your opinion means nothing to me. Get a real and work

  13. The worst part for developing for iOS is that once apple release a new version older versions components don't work. We are having this issue atm with our company app. Yes android apps aren't as snappy as iOS but they still work with newer versions of Android and still keep features of those versions rather than remove them like iOS does

  14. Does Rene realize, the Apple engineers are actually listening to him? When you have some time, go back an browse some videos and compare it to how Apple is approaching things now.

  15. iOS 12 was buggy as hell. What are you talking about? Issues with video recording not working, the keyboard constantly disappearing and having to exit the chat you』re on, then go back into it to get the keyboard back. Dodgy WiFi and UI elements disappear or overlapping etc, etc. I have had the XR, 8 plus and multiple units of them and these bugs persisted throughout them all.

  16. Great insight Rene, this is why I love Vector. I hope Apple listens. I』m disappointed at how unstable iOS 13 has been ? and all these years and Apple still hasn』t implemented smart dialing in the phone app ??‍♂️

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