
美國所有主要運營商-Verizon,AT&T,T-Mobile和Sprint-都在全美範圍內發射5G信號。《華爾街日報》的喬安娜·斯特恩(Joanna Stern)進行了夏季5G測試之旅,只是得知5G正在快速發展……如果您在室外,手機塔附近,可以通過某種方式使手機保持涼爽。

照片插圖:阿黛爾·摩根(Adele Morgan)


  1. "Safe" levels of lead in drinking water are known and tested for.

    But there's never been established "safe" levels for long-term exposure to pulse modulated non-ionizing wireless radiation at non-thermal levels. Yet that is exactly what wireless technology exposes us to, and the 4G/5G infrastructure is increasing exposure levels exponentially.

  2. I know the connection is fast but ping and jitter both were also not so fast showing on speed test I know 1,000 MBPS is like a celestial speed but ping also matters for gamers

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