英雄聯盟Wild Rift Yasuo遊戲概念(LoL Mobile)

英雄聯盟Wild Rift Yasuo遊戲概念(LoL Mobile)

[email protected]

  1. Hey Vell, I follow your mobile legends channel.

    Im only grandmaster in mlbb, but I'm 12th on the N.A. server with yss.

    I came from League of Legends 10yr player, Gangplank main, but im broke g. Havent had a p.c. in 5 yrs.

    Jumped onto mlbb last year with my boys. So nice to hit a moba again.

    When i left LoL. Yasuo had just dropped, so I'm pumped for updates on what ive missed in the last few years.

    Anyway. I'll be following, maybe I'll see you around.

    The games are really similar they basically chopped up champs from LoL for Mlbb and put em back together with different names.

    Anyway the squad is on. So I'll check you later b. Dig your vibe thanks for posting. 1

  2. I was clickbaited but in a different way than those dumbass. I thought u r going to explain the concept of yasuo in lol wr like how ashe has a new ult

  3. Lol mobile maybe good but ml is no less every game is good in its own way so stop saying that lol is the real league even lol was copied from dota Google it if u want


    "I'm going to be switching over to Wild Rift."

    Welcome to good side vell, might wanna hop on league and try out the game again, you wanna play with me? here: Hentaigod43v3r

  5. I think Riot Games developing the wild rift for so long. Because of this Copying
    Well i'm a Yasuo 190k mastery Lvl7 on PC

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