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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. I have not played for 4 years and they were class balancing back then, I wonder why they can't get it right? Most games have balancing issues but after awhile they get it in sync and are done. Maybe they should hire some people that are skilled in this area.

  2. Feral druid abilities (o ya) now have improved (o god finaly!! its cool !!) sound effects …(wut Blizzard y fkin trollin me?????????) FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  3. Real grinding I mean real Grundy not only do your alts get screwed with essences yes tokens will be available I sure hope they add 5k a token otherwise what a waste I』m already looking past this patch and straight to shadowlands.

  4. Jesus what the fuck blizzard perfect opportunity to tinker with enhance shamans….. no changes or buffs?????
    They are the lowest played class for a reason

  5. Somebody does not have any idea how Shadow Priest scaled, and now does, or not.
    Shadow highly valuable my butt. Not a single Shadow sims above 50k on ptr, our scaling got hit really hard and there is no Queens Court or Orgozoa in the new Raid, the kind of fight Shadow is supposed to excel on, as the one single left true dot class.

  6. Finished grinding Azeroth level on 3 toons 2 months ago. Blizzard raises max level again. I give up. It』s not fun anymore. Nerfs all over the place. Having to use third party software to gear properly. Over complicated complex bs designed to force grinding. Let』s not even get started on corrupted gear. Hopefully these systems don』t make it into Shadowlands

  7. The last time i wrote this i was banned from wow — long time ago — but — Blizzard employes (was playing only rogues) asp and after awhile warlocks and other big classes — what about if i was in charge of what classes get what and this — Hunter — pure class not this or that class – its a hunter — core class of wow— why dont consentrate on this class — yeaa easy to play — 1 buttom and nothing else, — bUT A HUNTER IS MUCH MORE THAN THAT — given more power and u will see — Give us more POWER for hells sake — pls

  8. Blizzard balance team is the worst I have ever seen. Sp is only good in raiding but struggle already in pvp, with those big ass nerfs they are a joke in arena now. Those fucking tank trinkets outheal the dot dmg. I wonder if they even play the game at this point

  9. DHs need either a nerf or rework. Cause they are dead easy to play and deal a LOT of damage so either nerf the damage and make other classes viable or rework them to make em more difficult to play to balance out the insane damage they deal. So they'd sorta be like sub rogue but with BIG damage

  10. was marksman at least touched since bfa launch? because i still dont see him anywhere near "overpowered" class… like UH dk for example (ofc i mean pvp very few hunters actually play mm)

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