

  1. I didn't realize there was a daily quest giver outside the minor vision. Had a mob of other players AFK standing on top of the quest giver and I didn't see it.
    Great start to the new patch….

  2. Can』t wait to grind a different form of currency in a different zone. So original. /slow clap.
    The horrific vision I have are those of me grinding out this mess for hours and hours.
    And if you don』t you won』t be able to be competitive with other players! There』s the carrot and the threat. I』m about done for good with this game. It』s been a great ride but this shit is not fun and is just confusing garbage.

  3. You keep putting emphases on how important it is to not get behind. Why? Does it really matter that much to be the amongst the first ones to get higher Ilvl?

  4. When do you do the horific vision? I received my cloak and I was sent to go to one of the two zone and complete a campaign which I did while activating/powering the engine or whatever we ran around doing….

  5. Thanks for the recap! I honestly had no idea why I needed these new dailies and currencies. I also screwed up my first horrific vision so that feels great. Should had watch this video before then.

    I haven't been playing wow for long so I'm always behind everyone else. This is the first patch I'm mostly up to date. Going to do the grind as long as it's fun.

  6. Ok look, the game is fun and all but my god some of these creators treat this like it's a must-do checklist that should never be ignored. Much rather just play and level on my own terms and I encourage others to do the same as well.

    Why is everyone so enraged by the fact they can't afk 6 days out of 7 weekly and be at the top 1%?

  8. Way too much things to do for just patch day. I came home from work and said… ok lets see how good it is! Holy mother of god!!! Played for 3 hours and I couldn't get not even a quarter for what is needed for patch day… but hey! I'm getting there. I'm not going to rush it, just play and have some fun but still… good video mate! ??

  9. As much as I like some of your videos, in this one here is way too much, do this, otherwise, you fall behind… fall behind what? other players, who invest more time than me? – well… It is my life and I spend it the way I want to, it should make me happy or at least not frustrated.. its not the game doing this, its the players choice, it is your choice 🙂 you don't have to do all this stuff, if you are a more casual player and not going hard for mythic progress…

  10. I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter…

  11. I』m torn about resubbing, it looks boring but I have several million gold worth of flasks to put on the ah to get ready for shadowlands le sigh

  12. "YOU DON'T WANT TO GET BEHIND!" Whatever happened to being able to enjoy the game. Anyone who is enough of a snob that this would matter, I don't want to play with them.

  13. It's worth noting that you will not be forever behind on the cloak as it has a level increase of 1 per week after the first week. You get 3 visions each week so within a week or two you can easily catch up.

  14. Everything you NEED TO DO? WoW is not work , so you don't HAVE to do anything . The only thing you SHOULD do is something you enjoy. It is sad that people are forcing this grind. I already have 9 to 5 job in real life , I don't need another one when I log to WoW

  15. Did this guy even take a breath during this? A LOT to do if you are a casual player (me) and really I am not in competition with anyone in my guild so I plan to just have fun and make a Vulpera, level it and keep catching pets 🙂

  16. Only people who need to be in the 2% MUST do these to keep up.

    Personally couldnt care if I "fall behind" and get my fully upgraded tea towel 1 week after everyone else ?

  17. this video just overwhelmed me… for someone who doesnt have a ton of time to invest on one character, this just makes me feel frustrated. you need this to do this and you need those reps exalted to even think about doing those things and youre too far behind if you didnt take work off on patch day..

  18. He says do all this stuff so you do not get behind, lol I have been playing catch up since the wow launched. I was under the impression the game was still geared towards the casual player, after all some of us do have real lives to live as well.

  19. We'll have to see..can't see me getting through this daily..If there's a ton of stuff to do and it leaves me no time to do the thing i'm logging in for, pvp, then I'll have to go behind..skill is always your best gear in that anyways..

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