新的iOS 13越獄:如何為iOS 13.2.2-13.3更新Checkra1n越獄

越獄iOS 13-如何更新iOS 13.2.2的Checkra1n越獄-iOS 13.3!本指南將教您如何獲取Checkra1n越獄的最新版本。此處的下載和步驟:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13/?


iOS 13 – 13.3 Jailbreak for A13 & A12 Released!

iOS 13 Checkra1n越獄更新!像任何軟體一樣,checkra1n將獲得定期更新。今天的教程將教您如何安裝上述越獄更新,但是請相信我,這非常容易。基本上,您首先要做的就是使iOS 13越獄。此外,除了適用於iOS 13外,此更新checkra1n越獄的方法還將適用於所有固件!

您可以按照以下步驟為iOS 13.2,iOS 13.2.2,iOS 13.3,iOS 13.4或任何將來的iOS版本更新越獄。萬歲越獄!

Windows的checkra1n iOS 13越獄即將到來。 A12和A13越獄iPhone XS和iPhone 11系列也是如此。訂閱有關這些發展的更多更新和新聞。

--------Checkra1n iOS 13越獄-------

▶︎如何使用Checkra1n(iOS 13)越獄:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for iOS 13.7 with Checkra1n

▶︎iOS 13最佳越獄調整-第1部分:

▶︎如何越獄iOS 13:

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的結尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. So I turned my phone off , then back on after the Cydia updates….Checkra1n disappeared from my phone .. Do you have a video to show what to do after you have Cydia installed?
    The phone reboots and Cydia does not open , closes out . So what』s next to do ?
    got a video for next steps?

  2. F%kn A13 iPhone 11 iOS 13.3 !
    I』ve not long got BUT I』ve been jailbreaking since way back (like iOS 3.1.3 was my 1st Jailbroken iPhone?) & it』s really all about being patient & waiting it out we always have to remember people work really hard on these jailbreaks all their free time + more!! to release them for free for everyone the world over. SOoo least we can do is wait it out and be grateful I know I am?? ??????✌??

  3. Do you have a video where you can shut off instead of uninstall because I got a problem with the jailbreak separate I am one of them screw in my jail break up

  4. Sorry, iPhone X (Global) is supported, but iOS 13.3 is not.
    Supported versions are 12.3 – 13.2.2.
    ECID: 0x164360100a402e

  5. So in cydia I keep getting 11 changes to be needing upgrading but everything I try installing it just fails and says directory not found or something like that what do I do?

  6. hey my phone randomly restarted and the uncover app became grayed out and i tried downloading it again and again and i cant open the app and there is no profile to trust. im on 12.4 XR

  7. Is there a tweak that will allow me to turn my iPhone into a wifi hotspot even though I don't have that service from my carrier? In the past, I recall there was something call MyWi, but I don't think that tweak works anymore. I have an iPhone 7 on iOS 13.

  8. I have a problem with my Cydia not opening after I ran into a safe mode loop when I installed a tweak..I』ve unjailbreaked and jail broken my phone several times but the cydia is still not opening..Help???

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