BfA 8.3您可能錯過的事情-為機甲,損壞的齒輪等做準備|魔獸世界補丁8.3

魔獸世界補丁8.3艾澤拉斯之戰(BfA)新補丁的準備指南。我談論的是關於Mechagon地牢發行,齒輪損壞,M +以及8.3發行計劃的計劃,您可能會錯過的事情!


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  1. Bump into this guy online not a nice dude just trash talks and blames other players for his shitting skills not sure why people even watch this guy almost feel bad for him

  2. With the large drop in key value this time, i don't think this is going to be worth doing for really anyone outside of people trying for at least Server First/ first 100. Too much effort for too little pay off in a patch that's going to be going on till like Sep./Oct. Do a 10 this week, do the 15 next week and keep doing 15 till you're geared out, save yourself the headaches.

  3. for resto shammy is it possible or maybe good to duo those mechagon rings : If you deal fire dmg (with your flame shock dot) you heal 5 injured player. I think it could be good because it transform your flame sock in Aoe smart heal 🙂

  4. As a resto druid you could even push to 79 corruption if feasible! The 60+ detriment is being hit by the 40+ add, vortex & roots/typhoon could let you push those corruption numbers

  5. Personally im done with keystones, being lone wolf retri/healer myself with no guild support & very few friends etc, still someone could say -so what? ..Yes ofc. but lets not forget the fact that without some kind of support on getting invited-not meaning receiving boost, is very hard to fight through all the shit and you know very well what im talking about. now watching this true ironically madness occurring through this whole grinding and corruption shit Plus the poison of community and certain class/specs isolation vs other classes (for example if you are rogue and you are low score, with all this promotion your class received with cloak+dmg, most wanted in keys, you probably suck. sorry) – im done. I took with hard hard effort my master achie every season and i stop here. I had a hope to turn to 100% raid or 100% pvp since i will dumb keystones, but then again you need gear through grinding keystones etc, so this will be another xpack i will be casual regarding anything else outside keystones. I dont know im not happy with all this. Please dont start flaming this is my point of view only and i still like the game but paying to stick around only due to lore + to burn freetime, is heart breaking

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