Google Earth令人難以置信的3D影像說明

Google地球是地球上最真實的數字版本。但是如何?圖像從哪裡來?他們如何組合在一起?以及它們多久更新一次?在本視頻中,了解創建Google Earth 3D圖像的像素,平面和人物。

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感謝朋友Vibe Mountain提供了此視頻中的音樂,並感謝Freddy Arenas(的動畫。



納特與朋友我們在Google幕後製作視頻。你好奇什麼讓我們知道! 。

  1. I』m pretty sure google earth has been around since at least 2005. At least in browser form. Because I swear I was able to use it then and there was this tool where you could go back in time like how these described being able to look back on changing surfaces. I don』t know why they took that feature away from the public it was white fun to see my hometown change over the past century

  2. okay so me and my co worker has really been arguing google earth is a result of the satellite or some crazy drones…..he's really gonna pissed to hear its 3D :p

  3. Strange.. If you notice at about 20 seconds in when they show the film of earth from the moon.. Why does the moon have the same in blurred detail as it does when viewing from earth.. As if they simply added the image of the moon taken from earth..

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