永久越獄iOS 13-iOS 15即將發布!永遠越獄! (Checkm8解釋)

iOS 13越獄FORVER!認真地說,Checkm8漏洞解釋了。可以越獄iOS 13.1.1、13.2、13.3,甚至可以使用iOS 14和iOS 15越獄!最新的越獄狀態檢查器:?https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13/?

將軍,蘋果。 iPhone X及更低版本現在已經終身監禁!這是您需要永久性越獄的所有信息。


— — — — — iOS 13越獄更新— — — —

▶︎iOS 13.1越獄更新:

▶︎第一個iOS 13越獄更新-時間範圍:

▶︎iOS 13越獄狀態頁面:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for iOS 13.7 with Checkra1n

-----------越獄iOS 12報道---------

▶︎最佳A12 iOS 12.4調整:




--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的結尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根據DMCA,越獄是100%合法的行為。討論iOS更新是合法的。 **




  1. ❤️ Guys this is the biggest deal in jailbreaking… EVER!!!!! The community is about to EXPLODE! And it doesn't just benefit A11 and lower, everyone will benefit – listen here 2:09

  2. I dont quite understand fully, I have an iPhone se with iOS 13.2.3 which I want to jailbreak. if I understand correctly, an untethered 13.2.3 jailbreak is not yet available (correct me if im wrong).

  3. I』ve been using my 5s semi tethered jailbreak on 9.3.3 for years I just now got a 8 plus I can』t wait to have a jailbreak and be up to date cause I was so behind on the 5s and it got super slow

  4. Just a few month jailbreaking developers said that a jailbreak on iOS 13 would not be possible, because there』s no tfp0 exploit…
    And now this drops… amazing

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